Chapter Seven

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On her way to the infirmary tent, Isabella crossed paths with Ben. She couldn't wait to tell him of the news. Just as she was about to call out his name, she put two and two together- the failed mission he spoke of was the spy ring... she couldn't tell him that she was being sent into New York to "clean up his mess" as her uncle would have stated.

Ben was ranting to a man who seemed to be a close friend of his, though he was not wearing the official uniform. She heard a few words like "Boston" and "Caleb" though she wasn't able to piece together the whole conversation.

She decided to talk to him now. "Ben!" She called out.

He turned to see her and small smile flashed onto his face. "Hello, Isabella."

His friend looked confused. "Isabella Washington?" He asked.

"That's me," she returned with a smile.

"Caleb Brewster, lovely to meet you." He said with a nod.

"This is the infamous Caleb Brewster." She joked. "It is nice to meet you as well."

"How nice that you've become friends with the Continental Army's biggest trouble maker," Ben joked, though Isabella detected a bit of truth.

"You flatter me," Caleb said, fanning himself with his hand, earning a laugh from Isabella.

"Well I just had a meeting with my uncle... and he has informed that you are being moved to Boston." Isabella said quietly.

Ben looked down at her with a sad smile. "That is true... I am to leave before the new year."

"I am truly sorry... I can speak with my Uncle if you wish. I'm sure I can convince him to let you stay." She offered, hoping Ben would let her speak with him so that he might stay.

"This is the price I have to pay for my actions, Isabella. But thank you." He said.

"Ok then... I must get back to work but hopefully I shall see you tonight?" She hinted at their stargazing.

"I wouldn't miss it."


"Oh you're sweet for her," Caleb teased.

"No. I'm not sweet for anybody. I haven't the time for that." Ben shot the idea down.

"Yes but did you not make time for her tonight? For stargazing or whatever it is you do." Caleb had a point there.

"She is simply a brilliant woman who I am happy to call my friend." Ben responded.

"You keep telling yourself that. See where it gets you." Caleb stopped teasing waiting to see Ben's reaction. When there was none, he continued on instigating. "I'll tell you where it gets you. Alone. Some other man will whisk her away and you'll be left with nobody. I am willing to bet Bradford would scoop that up in a hurry."

"Shut up, Caleb." Ben growled. He hated to admit it, but Ben knew there was much truth to Caleb's words. Now, he was determined not to lose contact with her when he went to Boston.

As if reading his mind, Caleb said, "At least write her while you're in Boston."

"I will, Caleb, I will."


Isabella was permitted to treat some of the ill victims in the infirmary because she had finished her training quickly. Most of them were frostbite victims though.

She spent the rest of her day draping warm cloths over blackened body parts and overseeing amputations of the worst ones.

She was concentrating perfectly fine until Colonel Bradford had to pay a visit. "Anne," he said, approaching her. "I am in search of one of my men. He fell ill a few days ago and I wish to see him."

"What is his name?" She asked.

"Nathaniel Baker," he answered.

Anne scoured the rows of cots with her eyes and turned back to the Colonel. "I believe he is in the back corner," she said, pointing to a cot near where Isabelle was treating a patient.

"Shite," Isabella cursed to herself. She turned away from the Colonel in hopes that he wouldn't notice her.

"Miss Isabella?" He said, standing next to her. She took a deep breath and turned to face him.

"Hello, Colonel." She greeted with a smile.

"Please, just call me William."

"Well, hello, William." She tried again.

"I am going to visit one of my men, but it was lovely speaking with you again. I hope we can do more of it, Miss Isabella." He smirked at her.

"It was nice speaking with you. I hope your officer heals well and quickly." She offered kindly.

She breathed a sigh of relief once he had left after visiting one of his ill soldiers. Anne decided to tease the young girl. "Well it seems as though you attract every young man in this camp."

"What do you mean?" Isabella asked, clearly confused.

"Your late night escapades with Major Tallmadge, Colonel Bradford taking and interest in you, and have you not seen the way some of the other men look at you?" Anne said.

"Major Tallmadge and I are only friends, I have no interest in Colonel Bradford, and I have not noticed any of the other men." Isabella retorted.

"Well, I'll let you have your way this time, but you are undoubtedly the beauty of this camp." Anne said, giving Isabella a side hug before walking back to her duties.


"I'm sorry you have to leave," Isabella said to Ben as they sat in the dark field, watching the stars.

"It is alright. It seems unfair to me, but I know that I must pay for my actions some way," he resigned.

Isabella wanted to comfort him in someway, but she knew he was solid in his reasoning and wouldn't accept her pity.

"I am to leave tomorrow evening," he blurted out, unable to stop himself.


"I am leaving for Boston tomorrow evening. I'm sorry." He said with a sigh.

"Do you know when you'll be back?" She asked, worry laced her voice.

"I have not a clue..."

"Then I thank you for being one of my very first friends here. It has been lovely getting to know you in these few short days." Isabella confessed.

"Isabella," he quickly took each of her hands in his. "Will you agree to correspond with me while I am in Boston?"

"Yes, I gladly accept that offer, though I have no doubt we will see each other again." She said with glee.

"I look forward to it very much then..."

"As do I."

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