Chapter 44

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The fighting had been going on for several days now. Three days straight. Isabella was kept busy day and night in the infirmary along with bringing more supplies to the front lines when it was safe for her to do so. She didn't see Ben or her uncle once during this time. She figured they were busy commanding elsewhere. Her thoughts drifted to John. The little boy left in her care. Isabella had talked to her uncle before the battle started. He promised her that if they won the battle and it was safe for him to do so, he would send somebody immediately to fetch the baby and return him to Isabella. It was likely that they would have to stay in Virginia in camp for a few months longer. They couldn't be sure that the fighting would be done for good after this battle. Even if this was the end of the war, negotiations still had to be held and word would have to be sent back to King George. 

A familiar voice brought Isabella out of her own head. Caleb came running in, a limp body over his shoulder. She realized it was Abe. She grabbed bandages and Caleb forced the doctor to focus on Abe. Within moments, Mary was at Abe's side. Isabella gave them the bandages and clean rags and went back to another patient. Between the doctor and Mary, they could handle Abe. Isabella couldn't neglect the other men who were injured as well. She tuned out the sounds of screaming and moans of pain as she continued to stitch up a large gash in a young soldier's side. He was another one of the many soldiers who looked like they had just barely hit puberty before deciding to enlist. 

"Isabella," A voice behind her called out. She looked to see Anne. "You've been here for nearly 24 hours straight. You need rest." 

Isabella only shook her head. "They need nurses. I can't leave."

"Which is why I am here to relieve you." Anne demanded. "You need sleep. You'll be no use to use when you collapse of exhaustion." Without waiting for an answer, Anne grabbed Isabella's shoulders and guided her out of the tent. 

"Thank you," Isabella whispered before Anne went back into the tent. She looked down at her hands and dress and was shocked to find the covered in blood. 


(Ben's POV) 

Ben followed Washington, Hamilton, and the Marquis into the General's tent to discuss the plans for the rest of the battle. On their way there, Ben noticed a figure standing outside of the infirmary tent. It was Isabella. Her dress and apron were soaked in blood that wasn't hers. She stared down at her hands, also stained red from blood. His heart sank for her. She was a sweet creature who didn't deserve to see this violence. He had written to her father and asked for her hand in marriage. There was no response yet. He also asked her uncle for his blessing as well. Sternly, the General had said 'so long as you make her happen and treat her as a lady should be treated.' They had shaken hands after and Ben practically jumped for joy. 

"And how long do we wait? What if reinforcements arrive?" Hamilton argued with Lafayette. 

That pulled Ben out of his daydreaming. "They don't have enough powder." The three other men turned to look at him from opposite sides of the table they were using for planning. "For their mines," He looked at Lafayette because he seemed confused. "For the fougasse." He said in patchy French. "They may have made a show of it at the start but they are running on reserves."

"And how do you know this?" The General questioned, raising an eyebrow. 

"Culper. While in the enemy camp, he observed that their black powder was running low. Enough for a march but not for a siege. They'll save what they have left for the cannons, not the mines."

Washington gave a curt nod. "It is now or never. Deliverance must come. We attack the redoubts at nightfall."


"Charge!" Ben shouted. Caleb was on his left and the rest of his company was behind him. They ran into no mans land, the area between the opposing trenches. The cover of night protect the men from cannon blasts with proper aim from the British. The patriots made their way towards the enemy lines. Ben used his sword to slice at oncoming red-coats. He caught one in the chest and the next that came running at him received a swift blade to the back of the knees. Next to him, Caleb smashed another in the head with the butt of his rifle. The two shared a quick smile. 

They neared the enemy redoubts and Hamilton shouted, "Take their cannons!"

The men flooded the already weakened enemy line, crushing any red coat in their way. Quickly, the cannons were under American control. Ben looked to see Caleb lowering the Union Jack they had raised. 

"Turn the cannons on the town!" Ben shouted. He and four other men pushed the heavy artillery until it faced the town. The high ranking British officers were cowered in a building located in the center of town. Once Ben was sure most of the cannons were aimed towards their headquarters, he shouted. "Ready! Fire!" They could all see the building shake from the impact. Ben nodded to Caleb. "Ready! Fire!" He shouted again. 

This went on into the early hours of the morning. The constant bombardment of the British troops clouded the morning air with a hazy lair of smoke. It coated the throats of the men in the trenches and on the redoubts. Through the layers of smoke in the air, General Washington could see movement on the other side. A British soldier was climbing up the steps of a crumbling parapet, a white flag in hand. He waved it in the morning air. 

The General smiled to himself. Most soldiers stopped firing, looking to him for direction. "Cease fire!" He shouted to be certain another shot wouldn't go off. 

"We won," Came the whispers all around. 

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