Chapter Six

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Later that day, Isabella walked out of the infirmary tent after ending her first day of work and into the surprisingly sunny, December day. Anne had gone to visit her husband, which Anne thought it was strange that she didn't reside with him. But that was none of her business.

She had assured Anne that she could make it back to their tent, though Isabella knew she was horribly lost and turned around.

She looked around, hoping for some sign showing her to her tent, but alas, there was none. Every tent looked the same, with their off white canvas material and mud stained edges. Just then, a sign came. And it came in the form of Colonel Bradford.

"Hello, Miss Washington," He said, walking up to her.

"Hello Colonel. Please, call me Isabella... Miss Washington sounds too formal."

"Well then, Miss Isabella, would you care for that tour now?" He asked, looking down at her.

"Yes, I would appreciate that very much." She said, beginning to walk alongside Major Bradford.


Ben went to sit by a fire near his tent as he was returning from overseeing drills. He had to see Washington about news he had regarding the spy ring shortly.

He looked up from the fire long enough to see Isabella walking with Bradford. Immediately, he felt his blood boil. Of course Bradford would try to get in close with the General's niece. Putting himself closer to Washington. And poor Isabella had no idea what a snake Bradford really was, being so new to the camp.

"And this is the East quadrant, which is where I'm assuming your tent is," he said, smiling down at her.

"Yes, I believe you are correct," she smiled back, seeming somewhat uncomfortable.

"Well, that concludes our tour. I shall let you retire to your tent. However, if you should ever need me, my tent is in the inner part of the North quadrant." He offered a curt bow.

"Thank you, Major."

Bradford left but Isabella didn't go into her tent. She pulled her cloak tighter around her and started walking towards the field from last night. As she walked, Ben caught up with her.

"Miss Isabella," he called out.

She stopped and turned around to see who had called her name. When she saw that it was Ben, her face light up.

"Hello, Major!" She called out.

"I saw that you were walking with Major Bradford..." he began. After she only nodded, he continued. "I just wanted to warn you about him... he is a snake who previously ran the Washington name through the mud, publicly."

"I knew something was off about him," she said, snapping hit fingers. "Not only were his intention shadowy, he was arrogant and obnoxiously over-charming."

Ben almost laughed at her choice of words. A small part of him was incredibly relieved to find that she had no feelings for Bradford, though he pushed that away. "I'm glad you can see through his act."

"As am I... oh! I plan to stargaze again tonight if you wish to come as well." She offered.

"I would love to. I fear I must leave you now, however. I have a meeting with your uncle." Ben said.

"I wish you luck with that," she laughed and Ben's slight nervousness.

"Goodbye, Mis-" he was cut off by a sharp glare from her. "Goodbye, Isabella."

"Farewell for now, Major."


"Where are you going, young lady?" Anne inquired, causing Isabella to freeze in her place. She had thought Anne was asleep and was about to sneak away.

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