Chapter 25

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~That same day~

Isabella had been down all day. After the news from Ben, it felt like she was an alien in the camp she had grown so fond of. She felt like the color had been drained from all of the things she once found beautiful, leaving it bland and desolate. The creek that babbled day and night and provided Isabella with cool relief on hot days now seemed like an ocean of sadness and despair. The waves overtaking her as she already struggled to stay afloat. The clouds that she could usually find shapes in now seemed like blobs that held no meaning. They were just there to occupy space and nothing else. 

After that night's dinner, she decided to sit with her friends. Hamilton, Laurens, and Lafayette were all already seated around the fire when she got there. Isabella didn't want to tell them about what happened because she knew they would all hate Ben and she didn't want to ruin his reputation. No matter what, she would not sink to his level. 

"Bella, I didn't see you at dinner... were you eating with Ben or something?" Hamilton asked, slinging his arm around her shoulder in a brotherly way. 

She only shook her head and continued to stare at the fire. As she watched the red flames of the fire, she realized that she was angry. Now that the fact that Ben slept with another woman sunk in, she was getting more and more angry. 

"Bella, what is wrong?" Lafayette asked, moving seats so that he was now seated right next to her. 

"I'm angry. But I'm also sad. And I'm sick of feeling anything at all." She said coldly, still looking at the fire. 

"Sounds like heartbreak to me..." Laurens said with a little nudge to her side. 

"You're right, John."  She spoke quietly. 

"What did he do? What has Ben done to make you feel this way?" Hamilton asked in a pressing manner. 

"I don't know if it is my place to tell." Isabella reasoned. 

"Well if whatever he did has you feeling like this, it is your place." Hamilton countered. 

Isabella wanted so desperately to tell them all what he did. She wanted to tell her uncle and get Ben in so much trouble but the logical side of her brain forced her to refrain. It was only the rage talking and Isabella knew better than to let anger and spite take hold of her tongue. 

"Something he did has just made me realize that maybe our courtship needs to end." She put it simply, hoping they wouldn't question further. 

"Isabella Washington, look at me, mon ami." Lafayette said, forcing her to look him in the eyes. "Tell us what he did. We can, how you say, rough him up a bit." 

Isabella tried to give a laugh to Lafayette's comment but no sound of joy came out. "God, how I would love that. But I will not stoop to a level nearly as low as his." 

"He didn't hit you, did he?" Laurens asked. 

"No, I can assure you he didn't." She said. 

"Then please tell us, what has gotten you so upset?" Hamilton asked. 

"No, I'm sorry. I won't tell you. At least, not yet. I am going to see if I can return home for a few days and when I return, I will be well again." She explained. 

"Bella, I worry for you sometimes," Hamilton said. 

"Well there is no need this time." She reassured him. 

Isabella hugged all of her friends goodbye and wished them all a goodnight. She retired to her tent, determined to make tomorrow a better day. Hopefully, she would be returning for a visit home soon. 


"I would like to see my uncle, please." Isabella told the guards outside of Washington's tent. 

They finally learned who she was and they let her into the General's tent with ease. "Good morning, uncle." She greeted in her cheeriest voice. 

"Why, hello, Bella. What brings you here on this fine morning?" He said, standing up and hugging her. 

"I was hoping you would give me permission to return home for a few days. I think a visit from me is long overdue." She said with smile. 

Her uncle smiled back, "I think you're right."

"Thank you so much, uncle." 

"Of course," He offered a curt nod. "Who would you like to escort you?" 

Her smile faltered at the realization the her uncle didn't want her to go alone. "I don't need anybody to escort me. The British haven't gone this far west, I don't need anybody to go with me." 

"It's not the British I'm worried about. There are cowboys and skinners who show no mercy." He informed. 

"Uncle, I can defend myself perfectly well. I went into a far more dangerous part of the forest to save Ben and I came out alive." Isabella hid the pain she felt when she even said his name. 

Washington sighed, "There's no talking you out of this, is there?" 


"Then you will take one of my guns and my fastest horse, Ranger." He commanded. 

"It's a deal, then. Thank you, uncle." She threw her arms around him in gratitude. 

"You are very welcome, my dear."

"I must get back to my duties but I will say goodbye to you before I leave tomorrow morning," She said. 

"I hope this visit does you well." Washington said with a nod of his head and Billy opened the door for her. 

As Isabella stepped out of her uncle's tent, she made brief eye contact with Ben before he averted his gaze and kept walking. Isabella did the same thing and went back to the infirmary tent. 


As Ben saw Isabella walk out of her uncle's tent, his heart dropped. He desperately hoped she didn't tell him. He didn't know if he could stand having both Isabella and the General upset at him even though he deserved all of it. A few moments after Isabella left the tent, Washington did as well. He made eye contact with the Major and gave a slight smile and a curt nod. Ben reciprocated the action. He felt much relief knowing that he was safe, at least for now, from the General's wrath even though he knew he deserved it. 

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