Chapter 37

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Author's note: Hey guys I'm really sorry but updates might be slower than usual for the next few months. I've been in and out of the hospital lately and I have a lot of doctors appointments scheduled in the upcoming months. I'll try to get better faster so I can update more. Anyways, enjoy the new chapter.

I'm back with another update and a new haircut tho, bitches! (I'm also working on a Lafayette story so expect that in the near future)


Isabella sat in her tent, just thinking about what had happened the past few days. She was nothing short of overwhelmed. She decided to take a walk to get her mind off of it all. She went to the creek where she could sit in the grass. The breeze rustling through the grass provided her with some comfort and peace of mind. She stood at the waters edge and just enjoyed being alone for a moment, humming a quiet tune. 

Lost in her own thoughts, she didn't even notice the person walking up behind. He placed his hand on Isabella's shoulder, causing her to jump and nearly punch Ben in the face. 

"Ben! Don't sneak up on me like that!" She said, partly serious and partly laughing. 

"Sorry, I just saw you walking to the creek and I thought now would be as good a time as any to tell you the news," He explained. 

Isabella panicked for a moment before realizing it was probably nothing serious. "What news?" 

"I have to take Woodhull back to Setauket and then I am going to Boston to rendezvous with a few troops for a while... They're pretty beat up and sick." 

Isabella's mood immediately fell. She had just gotten Ben back and now he was being taken from her. She understood that he had a job to do and their relationship shouldn't get away but she couldn't help but be a little sad. "Oh..." 

He pulled her to his chest and stroked her hair. "And you better get your bags packed." 

She looked up at him in shock, "I'm going with you?" 

"We need two nurses and that would be you and Anne." He said with a smile. 

Isabella cupped his cheek with her hands and kissed him with as much happiness as she could muster. 

She broke away from the kiss shortly. "I've never been to Boston before, what's it like?" She asked. 

"You'll just have to wait and see, but I am certain you will love it." Ben said, pulling her in for another kiss. "But I have to warn you, the men we are going to meet up with have seen constant battle and they are in worse shape than any you have probably ever seen. They need medical attention as soon as possible." 

"I am willing to take on that challenge. I'll do whatever I can to help." 

Ben nodded and the two began to walk back to camp together. 


Isabella rushed to her uncle's tent after parting with Ben. 

"Uncle, uncle, am I really going to Boston?" She said excitedly. 

"I see Major Tallmadge has given you the news. Yes, it is true. I needed two nurses for the job and I thought you would enjoy Boston. Also, you are one of my best nurses, which is what those men need right now. Are you up to the challenge?" 

"Yes! One thousand times yes. I have heard wonderful things about Boston and I will do everything in my power to help these men." Isabella responded. 

"Good, now go pack everything up. You will be leaving tomorrow after Major Tallmadge gets back from Setauket." Washington said with a knowing smile. 

"Thank you so much, Uncle!" Bella said, running to hug her uncle. "I won't let you down." 

"You never do..." Washington said as Isabella turned to leave the tent. In response, she flashed a large, toothy grin. 


Isabella stood in her tent, packing things into a small bag. 'Will I need a ballgown?' she thought to herself. 'Probably not' she answered her own question, deciding to keep her ballgown in her trunk at camp. Among her clothes she had packed, she packed a notebook so she could write to her sister and tell her all about Boston and Ben. She packed her money to buy Peggy a birthday present from Boston. The two had been conversing through letters since Peggy went to New York with Arnold. Isabella tried as hard as she could to ease Peggy's suffering with Arnold and with the lose of André.

Isabella didn't plan on telling anybody, but her birthday was coming up soon as well. It would pass while she was in Boston, which was present enough. The only people who knew when her birthday was were her uncle and Anne. She wanted to keep it that way. 

As she finished packing, she buckled up the bag and put it at the foot of her cot and changed her bandages before going to help serve dinner, which she wasn't technically supposed to do yet- but she didn't care much for rules. 

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