Chapter Eighteen

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Ben and Caleb stood in line to get their morning meal together. About a week after the execution, the commotion had finally died down and it wasn't the topic of every discussion within the camp. Tomorrow, the camp was celebrating Independence Day because it was July 4th. There would be dancing, music, fire works, and drinking. Women from camp were inviting their lady friends to the celebration so that he men might have somebody to dance with.

Ben desperately wanted to ask Isabella to dance with him, and as he sm took a seat to eat, Caleb spoke up from the seat next to him.

"How are things with Isabella?"

"I think everything is going well..." Ben said, not wanting to acknowledge the hidden message in Caleb's question.

"Just well..?" Caleb hinted again. He leaned in closer as lowered his voice, "Have you taken her to bed yet?"

Ben sighed in annoyance, "No. We aren't even courting."

"Well do you want to court her?" Caleb prodded.

"Yes, of course I do. She makes me feel complete." He explained.

"Then ask her!" Caleb exclaimed. He spoke quietly again, "Then you can take her to bed..."

"Just stop, Caleb. I'll ask her if you just stop talking about it." Ben gave in.

"I'll stop talking about it, but you have to ask her today." Caleb smirked at his friend.

"But that means I have to ask General Washington..."

"Are you afraid?" Caleb laughed.

"N-no, I just don't know how he will feel about one of his officers courting his niece." Ben tried to cover the nerves in his voice.

"Well, if I were you, I would ask him now, before somebody else had the chance to ruin his day." Caleb reasoned.

Ben decided to bite back his fear and do this for the woman he loved. Isabella meant so much to him, he would do anything to be with her. "I'll be back, Caleb." He stood to leave and find the General.

Ben's instinct told him to check Washington's tent. So that's where he went.

"Is General Washington here at the moment?" He asked one if the new guards.

"What do you need?" One asked.

"I need to speak with the General, privately..."

One sighed and entered the tent. Ben could hear a few muffled words before the guard reappeared outside and opened the tent flap for Ben. "Thank you."

"Major Tallmadge, what brings you here?" Washington asked.

Ben's fear came back and he almost considered making up an excuse. But he had to this, for his and Isabella's future.

"I-I had a question pertaining to y-your niece, Isabella..." Ben let the question hang in the air and Washington seemed to be waiting for him to continue. "I-I was wondering if... if you would approve of me courting Isabella..?" He held his hands behind his back to keep them from shaking.

The General's lips curved into a small smile. "I knew this day would come soon enough. It is inevitable, I guess. Tell me, Major, why do you wish to court my niece?"

Ben could go on about Isabella all day. "Well, sir, she is so much more than a few words could ever describe her. She is intelligent, kind, and when I'm with her, I feel like I belong. She gives me a feeling of completion." He poured his feelings out to his Commander.

At first Washington did absolutely nothing. He stared at Ben and kept a Stoney expression. Then, his face light up in a grin. "Major, I give you my blessing to court my niece. However, it would be rather unfortunate for you if I ever hear of you mistreating her." He threatened.

"Oh, sir, I would never dream of such a thing. Isabella means too much to me for me to ever consider mistreating her..." Ben explained.

"Good... then you have my blessing."

"Thank you so much, sir!" Ben exclaimed. "This is wonderful, thank you!"

"Stop thanking me and go tell her!" He exclaimed with a laugh.

"Yes, sir. Thank you, sir." With that, Ben left the tent and went to find Caleb. He wanted to ask him how he should break the news to Isabella.


"Flowers. It's that simple." Caleb stated nonchalantly.

"Is it really that easy? I just give her the flowers and ask her if she'll be willing to court?" Ben seemed a bit confused. He thought more went into this.

"Exactly right. She'll love it. Find her as she is leaving her shift at the infirmary and pull her aside. Give her the flowers and ask her." Caleb elaborated.

"Ok... I can do that." Ben was gaining confidence and couldn't wait to ask her.


A few hours later, Ben stood outside of the infirmary. He had picked a few flowers from the field they stargazed in and he was rehearsing what he was going to say in his head.

He was so engrossed in his thoughts that he didn't realize she walked out of the infirmary tent.


He snapped out of his thoughts and hid the flowers behind his back. "I-Isabella..."

"What are you doing here? Not that I'm sad to see you," She said with a laugh.

"I umm... I have something to ask you." Ben could feel his confidence from earlier deteriorating.


He took a deep breath and collected himself. He brought the flowers out from behind his back and gave them to her.

"Oh, Ben, they're beautiful." She smiled and sniffed the bouquet.

"As are you, my love. But what I wanted to know... would you like to court? I have already received approval from your uncle." He felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders.

She broke out into a smile and wrapped her arms around his neck as she pressed her lips to his own. She quickly pulled apart, forgetting they were in public.

"Yes, absolutely yes!" She exclaimed.

Ben sighed in relief and wrapped an arm around her waist. "Come along, my love, let us get our evening meal."

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