Chapter Eleven

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Isabella sat by the bedside of a man in the infirmary writing a letter to his family.

"Tell then I love them, please..." he said before he was overtaken by another cough.

"I will, I promise." She sealed up the letter after writing the last line and informed the man that she would take it to the post master to be delivered immediately.

While leaving the infirmary tent, she ran into something- or rather, someone.

"Miss Isabella," the voice crooned.

"Why hello, Colonel Bradford." She said with fake happiness.

"To what do I own the honor of running into you here?" He asked, stepping closer to Isabella.

"Just delivering a letter for an ill soldier." She said as she refused to make eye contact and walked around him.

"How kind of you," he turned around and continued to walk beside her. "Would you like to play a game of draughts with me this evening?"

Isabella could feel the bile riding in her throat at the idea of spending any time alone with this man. Of course he was handsome and charming, but he was also obnoxious and self-centered. He was absolutely sure that she fancied him and was determined to get her to admit it.

"I fear that I am no good at draughts and I would make a horrible opponent." She responded curtly.

"Then allow me to teach you. I do believe I am quite good at the game." He offered.

"I-I," Isabelle was lost for words. She wasn't entirely sure how to get out of this situation without being harsh. "I am sorry, I simply cannot."

"Then possibly another time?" This man could not take no for an answer!

Just then, a beacon of light saved her ship from crashing into the shore. "Isabella," Hamilton called, walking her way with Ben at his side. "Is Colonel Bradford here bothering you?"

"I would never do such a thing!" Bradford objected.

"It is alright, Colonel Hamilton." She smiled at her friend before turning back to Bradford. "I am sorry but my answer is no." She said sternly.

"Very well then," Bradford said, obviously defeated. "Good day, Miss Washington." He tipped his hat towards her. "Colonel Hamilton, Major Tallmadge." He said curtly before walking away.

"That man needs a swift kick up the arse." She scowled, causing both men to laugh.

"What did he want?" Ben inquired.

"An opponent for draughts. I told him I was no good but he insisted that he could teach me."

"That's a lie. You are one of the best draughts players I have ever seen. You've even beat your uncle!" Hamilton exclaimed.

"I am sorry he won't leave you alone. I will have some words with him," Ben stated, his expression cold and stoney.

"There is no need. If he fails to leave me alone and respect my wishes, I will be forced to mess up his pretty face." She said.

Both men laughed at her yet they knew she would and could do it. "Anyways, I must deliver this letter to the post master. Have a lovely day, you two."

They parted ways after saying farewell and Isabella returned to her mission to deliver the letter.


That evening, she hurried through the camp and out into the field where nobody could see her. Waiting for her was Benjamin without his usual blue and gold jacket. Isabella had no idea why she was slightly shocked... it was June and the weather was getting warmer.

"Hello, Ben." She greeted, standing next to him just like old times.

He looked down at her and smiled, "Hello, Isabella."

She turned her gaze back to the night sky before her, "the sky is beautiful tonight..."

Benjamin so desperately wanted to say 'as are you' once again but he decided against it, thinking it would be too straightforward because he felt she didn't feel the same for him as he did for her. On several occasions, Caleb had told him that he was certain Isabella fancied him but Ben ignored it. "That it is."

"Ben, can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"What do you plan to do after the war?" Truly, Ben hadn't thought about it much. "Back when the war first began, I thought I might move back home to Setauket after the war was over. But now, I don't think that is what I really want to do." He explained, scooting closer to her as they sat on the grass. "What about you?"

"I guess I would like to live in the city. Philadelphia or New York if possible. Maybe even Boston," she said with a laugh.

They watched the stars move across the horizon for what felt like only a few minutes, though it was close to an hour. Soon enough, Ben couldn't take his eyes away from Isabella.

"What are you staring at?" She asked as she looked up at him with a smile.

"You," he blurted out. Before he could stop himself, Ben continued. "Your beauty could make the stars envious on even the brightest of nights."

Her cheeks grew red and she stumbled over her words, "T-thank you."

Before he even knew what he was doing, Ben wrapped an arm around Isabella's waist and pulled her closer to him as he pressed his lips to her own. At first, she seemed slightly taken aback, however, she leaned into the kiss and melted into his arms. All at once, sparks seemed to fly and emotions went rampant.

When they pulled apart a few moments later, each of the struggled to look each other in the eye.

Isabella decided to take a leap of faith and tell him how she felt. She knew he at least fancied her enough to kiss her. "Ben, I have cared for you for a long time, and in the way not meant for those who are just friends. Being away from you these past six months has been so hard."

"Oh I am glad you feel the same. All those months back in Boston, I believed you simply thought of me as only a friend while I yearned for more." He gushed.

"Hamilton and the Marquis were right then, you do care for me the way I care for you." She let out a small laugh.

"And Caleb was right... you fancy me just as I fancy you. What a wonderful night this has become." Ben said.

"Yes, a wonderful night inde-" Isabella was cut off by her own yawn which she tried to suppress.

"Yet this wonderful night must come to an end, I fear we are both tired and may end up falling asleep in this field should we stay any longer." Ben mused as her wrapped an arm around Isabella and pulled her closer.

"I think you might be right..."

"Come along, let us retire to our tents. I will walk you back to yours." He offered.

Standing outside Isabella's tent, Ben held her hands in his own. "Goodnight, my dear."

"Sleep well, Dearest." She returned.

He pulled her closer one last time and connected their lips. The kiss was quick yet still full of joy and love. It was gentle and fast, so that nobody would spot the two young lovers.

As each of them rested in bed that night, their minds drifted to each other and their newly confessed feelings.

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