Chapter Fourteen

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Finally, Isabella was writing the letter that she meant to last night. Her hair was out of its bun and flowing down her back ready to be braided before she went to sleep, if she could sleep tonight. She sat at her writing desk and wrote about camp life and asked about home, all while she held a hand on the dagger from Lafayette. Every noise made her grip around the weapon tense.

Then she heard a set of footsteps getting nearer and louder. She gripped the dagger and stood up when they stopped right outside of her tent. All of her fear melted away when she heard Ben's voice. "Isabella? May I come in?"

"Y-yes. Of course."

He stepped into her tent and raised an eyebrow at the dagger clutched in her hand. She set it back down on her desk.

"I heard..."

She only felt numb... she wondered to herself what he thought of her now. Much to her surprise, he pulled her to his chest and wrapped his arms around her. "I am so sorry," he whispered into her hair.

"Please don't be sorry."

He only continued to hold her closer until she pulled away to look at him and give a slight smile. She winced a bit when the smile reached her cut cheek and the rage wishing Ben was reignited.

"I will make him pay for this," he growled.

"Please, no. I am already over it, there is no need." She tried to reason with him, though they both knew it was a lie.

"Isabella, why?"

"People already think I am weak because I am a woman. I don't need them thinking lower of me for this. Plus, rumors travel quickly in this camp." She tried to explain to him. "And I don't want you to do anything that could put you in danger because of me."

"I won't tell anybody if that is what you wish, but that doesn't mean I won't rough Bradford up a bit." He said, scowling at the name Bradford.

"I already did that."

"Of course you did," Ben chuckled. "But I want you to stay protected."

"First of all, don't tell me what to do. Secondly, I am protected. I have this dagger and I can deliver a few well placed punches." She said defiantly.

"If you insist." He smiled down at her and pulled her close again. He pressed his lips to hers and placed his hands on her waist. He pulled away for a moment to ask, "May I continue to kiss you or would that make you uncomfortable... after, you know, Bradford..."

"I trust you, Ben. You're not him." She connected their lips again and wrapped her arms around his neck, though she had to stand on her tiptoes to reach.

When they finally pulled apart, Ben pulled her into another bear hug and ran one of his hands though her hair while keeping one on the small of her back. "I'll leave you so that we both may rest." He said.

"Thank you, Ben... for everything."

"You're welcome." He turned to leave but faced her before exiting the tent. "And if it's any consolation, I don't think of you as weak." With that, he left the tent and his dear Isabella.


The days flew by until it was time for Ben and most of the other soldiers to depart for Monmouth where the next battle was planned to take place. It made Isabella genuinely upset that the nurses weren't allowed to follow the soldiers.

"They need us!" She shouted, slamming her hand down on the table.

"Isabella, calm down. We will do what we can from here," Anne chastised.

The younger girl only let out a heavy sigh. Ben had left under Colonel Bradford earlier that morning and her uncle was leaving tomorrow. However, he told her he might leave tonight.

After finishing her work for the day, Isabella retired to her tent and sat upon her cot. She quietly thought about Ben's goodbye to her this morning.

"Isabella... I-I..." He stumbled over his words. "I just want you to know that I will think of you while I am out here on the battlefield."

"You better, Tallmadge. I don't know what I'd do if you didn't come back." She jokingly pointed her finger at him. At the moment, they stood behind a row of tents that was quiet and abandoned.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close. "I will miss you, even though we will only be parted for a few days."

She rested her head on his chest, "I promise you, I will miss you more."

He only laughed and planted a fast kiss on her forehead. "I must go now but I will see you again in a few days."

"I eagerly await your return, Major." She said with a smile as he walked away towards his horse.

Isabella couldn't help but think of what might happen if he didn't come back. She mentally slapped herself for thinking such negative thoughts and went back to her work.


June 28th, 1778

It has been a few days since Ben and most the other men left to intercept the British at Monmouth Courthouse. The empty camp gets lonelier and lonelier every day. There are no soldiers to treat seeing as all of them are on the battlefield.

Isabella was currently walking around the camp, trying to cure her boredom. This will be her third time circling the camp in an attempt to keep her mind from worrying about her friends.

"Isabella?" Somebody called out to her.

She looked around to see who spoke and found Anne walking towards her. "Good afternoon, Anne."

"The same to you, Isabella. I have come to tell you that the men will be returning soon. We must have the infirmary tent ready." Anne informed her.

"When do you think they'll be back?" Isabella asked eagerly. She wanted to know that her friends were ok. She wanted to sit by the fire again with Alexander and Lafayette. She wanted Ben to hold her in his arms as they gazed at the stars... War was never easy, but she signed up for it and couldn't give up now.

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