Is it

Start from the beginning

"Holy hell..."

"Kit why? Why did you try to leave me?" He wasn't mad, but he kinda sounded like that. He didn't blink once.

I had no words. All of them just vanished from my mind.

"I'm sorry... I..."


"What? What no?"

"Don¨t you dare to say sorry to me. It's not enough. You are going to explain everything right now. And I mean everything. I'm listening." He really was serious. I had never seen him this scary, and with that tone...

"Fine..." He's not gonna stop questioning if I don't tell him. I don't have any other options. He got me. 

We just layed on my bed.

I told him.

I told him everything. Everything that I felt, the things I have thought since the beginning, all my actions, all about the raping and such. Everything.

"Kitkat, why didn't you tell me about this? Why did you hide it? If you only had asked me to come back, that you felt this way, I would have came back."

My tears were dripping. 

"I... I didn't wanna worry you I... I just... the voices are too strong. A-and my family... And I missed you... so fucking much... I didn't know what to do..." I'm stuttering.

I automatically hugged Ming. I couldn't help it.

I just needed his softness right now.

I've missed him so much.


Ming's POV

I saw my Kitkat, my little kitten in my embrace. 

He was so weak, so precious. 

I hugged him back.

I understand now what he is going through.

I have my life in my arms right now.

I just can't let it slip away like I almost already did.

I I hadn't grab him back, it would have been the end for us both.

I don't wanna be here if I can't live with Kittinan.

Baby, you are making me cry too.

"Kit my love, I'm sorry I wasn't here to comfort you. I love I love I love you. My baby, my little kitten." I lightly kissed his hair.

"Mingkwan... I'm sorry I didn't say anything... please don't go... please don't leave me anymore... I can't live without you." He just let the tears fall uncontrollably. 

"My love, I will never leave you..."

I started to kiss him. So harsh that I myself couldn't breathe.

I didn't care tho.

We just were there, cuddling for a while.

He fell asleep right next to me.

He is so beautiful.

My beautiful wife...

I want him for the rest of my life.

I want him to be the one who gives his DNA to our children.

I want to take care of him, always.

But now the only thing I can think of, is that raper guy, Oat.

I left Kit sleeping. He deserves some rest.

This wont take long.

I called Forth. He was a great guy and told me where I could find the guy.

Of course he asked why I was here, and how's Kit... I am not going to tell him, or them anything. Not right now at least. We have time for that later.

I decided to go alone. Teach that Oat guy the lesson number two; don't ever rape a guy if he dates me.

It didn't take long to arrive at that shithead's cave.

I crashed the door open.

That asshole was there. I looked straightly into his dirty eyes.

I didn't hesitate at all. He was playing ps4. I took the controller and threw it to the television. The screen broke as it fell down.

Oat looked so scared. He tried to escape like a headless chicken.

I had a maniac grin plastered on my face.

Seriously, who wouldn't be scared?

"Ready to die motherfucker? You did something very wrong to my love. And now, you deserve the real payback bitch..." I said calmly.

He was really terrified.

He was afraid that he really is going to die.

"What is wrong with you gays? Are you from some mafia gang or some shit?" He asked while trying to search for a weapon. 

I just laughed and closed the door.

"Nobody can't hear you cunt."

I went closer  and grabbed his neck, lifted him up that he couldn't breathe.

"This is how he felt when you chocked him." I let him go and he dropped on the ground.

"And this is how he feel down in depression."

I kicked him in his ass as hard as I could.

"This is how it feels when you hit it raw..."

He was gasping from pain.

I picked a pillow from his sofa and put it on the ground. Then I kicked him that way, that his face crashed to the pillow.

I went next to him on the ground, and pushed his head into the pillow that he couldn't breathe. Should I wait until you faint too??

He tried to push himself away from my grip.

"I'm sorry.... Please.... Don't...." He tried to mumble against the pillow.

"Owh now you're sorry... Well I'm afraid that it is late my dear friend."

I lifted his face again and hit it so hard that he fainted on the floor, blood dripping from his mouth.

"That's what you get when you mess with my Kitkat."

I left the door after checking that he didn't die. He was breathing, unevenly, but still breathing. I called him an ambulance with anonymous number.

I went back to Kit.

I made some food, and desserts. After he woke up we watched a movie together. Mac and Devin go to high school, what a good movie!

We tried only to clear things up today. No more lies. No more this what we have been through, what he has been through. 

It's better that I don't say anything about Oat and what happened today at his place.

It was for the best.

And technically it isn't lying, it is just keeping Kit safe, not stressing him anymore with stupid shit like this.

I would do anything for my Kitkat anyways...




((This is near the end. We discussed about one chapter more and then that would be it))

((We also have a question for you guys!! We have been planning to do a sequel to this, more happier, no more things like these. More like a life after this. We have an excellent plot for it, and the end will be oh-so-awesome. (At least we think so xd)
Would you guys be interested??))

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