Chapter 19 part 2

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Chapter 19 part 2!!

Zane’s Point of View- Monday

Payton avoided me for the rest of the day, not that I could truthfully blame her. I don’t know what had come over me when I’d held, touched and even kissed her like that! All I knew was once I saw her injuries and lifelong stars that littered her back, I just wanted to hold her, to protect her, from anything and anyone that wished her harm again.

I promised myself there in that moment that d never allow anyone else to hurt her again. I’d be damned if I was going to allow her Father to lay another finger on her.

Jude and I were currently walking towards her locker to try and convince her to leave her home, and move in with someone else. Personally I’d rather her live with me so I could protect her at all times, but if she wanted to move in with Diana I wouldn’t stop her. Anywhere was better then her home now.

The final bell ending the school day, had rung 5 minutes ago, and hardly anyone was left in the hallways. Payton was alone at her lockers putting her binder in her bag. As though sensing our presents she turned and saw both Jude and I making our way towards her. Fear flashed in her eyes, before she stood abruptly, flashed us a smile and a quick wave before she was running out the door of the school.

“Come on!” I said to Jude. “We have to go after her!”

Jude shook his head “there’s no rush Zane. We can meet her at her house, sit her down and talk to her.”


“I think shed rather have this conversation in private, not in front of everyone.” Jude said.

I hated to admit that he was making sense “Alright.” I agreed “we’ll go to her house, but ig her dads there, or if he shows up, I’m not promising to sit there pleasantly.”

Jude smirked “don’t worry bud, I don’t plan on allowing you to sit there, as long as you allow me to get a few hits in he’s all yours.”

I grinned “Deal.”

* * * *

We neared Payton’s house and I started to inwardly panic, we should have chased after her. Who even said she was going home? What if her Father had come home and we were too late? What if Payton was dying this very moment? All because I’d let her go.

“Were here.” Jude said pulling up the car outside her house. It had taken us longer then I’d hoped to get to Payton’s after we had t go back to Jude’s locker to get his car keys which he had forgotten, and then one of my teachers stopped and talked to me about my grade which is starting to slip, if I don’t bring it up, I’ll be off the team again.

It took all of my self control to not rush into her house, to forget Jude, and scoop Payton up into my arms and check if she’s alright. Instead I waited for Jude as he calmly made his way to her front door. Together we entered the house not bothering to knock, the door was almost always unlocked.

Other then the night in which she locked me outside, I mused to myself. I’d waited for her and I had planned don waiting all night I wanted to see her to apologise. I didn’t care if she didn’t open the door, I was still doing to wait for her.

“Payton?” I called out only to have silence greet my ears. Just as I was feeling panic start to swell up in me I heard her angel like voice.

“What are you doing here!?” she snapped, her angel like voice not sounding so angel like. She emerged from behind a certain that was separating the kitchen, her eyes grew wide when she saw Jude next to me “what are you both doing here?”

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