Chapter 5

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dedicated to Ebc-17 who read my story and commented and promiesed to buy my book if it's ever published lol. thank you very much! love you! 

hey everyone here is chapter 5 i know it's a day late sorry i didn't get the expected time to type. anyhow if you guys wouldn't mind commenting that would be amazing!

PS my friend has already read the next few chapters and has fallen in and out of love with Zane half a dozen times so i'm interested to hear what you people think!


Chapter 5

Payton’s Point of View- When she Arrives Home

I walked up to my house feeling heat rise to my cheeks. I knew Jude and Zane were watching me from the car, seeing me for the first time and taking in my house all at the same time. I’d never been more embarrassed in my life.

I didn’t know why I’d given into Zane and Jude, I never allowed anyone to come near my house not even Diana had ever been to my house.

I became even more embarrassed when the screen door almost came off in my hand. Without thinking I slammed it behind me in frustration. I heard my Father curse from his bedroom and flinched at my mistake.

He stumbled out of his bedroom a few moments later “Wha’ the ’ell.” he grumbled. “Where were youu?”

I took a step backwards muttering “I told you Father, I was going to a party.”

“Speak up!” he yelled stepping towards me so we were face to face. My fathers eyes suddenly widened and he sniffed the air. Me reached out and grabbed me pulling me close to him as he smelt me. “Why do you smell like alcohol?” he asked for once sounding sober.

I trembled as he slammed me up against the wall. I hadn’t drunken anything at the party but in the car I was wrapped in Zane’s arms, who was drunk and breathing on me. I cursed myself mentally.

He slapped me across the cheek. I flinched at the blow “How dare you!’ he yelled “How dare you drink!”

I almost laughed at the irony of the situation, but knew better then to do so. “I didn’t drink.” I mumbled.

He glared at me “When why do you stink?” he asked and I instantly regretted speaking just wishing I would have let him think I had drunk.

“I got a ride home with some friends.”

“Friends?” he sneered “You have no friends. Who wants to hang around you.” I didn’t say anything to contradict this, he was already voicing things I already knew

Zane and Jude had only probably picked me up to make up for earlier, to continue playing Zane’s game.

“No more parties.” Father grunted.

Without thinking I said angrily “WHAT! NO-” he cut me off with a punch to the gut. I fell to the ground where he kicked me in the ribs. He yelled at me while he did so, but in my state I could barely hear him due to the facts I had a never ending ringing noise between my ears, and my vision turned black when he kicked me in the head his shoe colliding with my cheek.

When I could finally see again I felt my Father pull me up by my hair so he could yell into my face, spit flying out of his mouth he yelled “You ungrateful brat! I give you a bed, food and shelter and you still complain when I wouldn’t let you do something.” he kicked me in the stomach once again before retreating to his room.

I gasped trying to draw breath once aging into my lungs. Carefully after a few minutes, I climbed to my feet, only for my knees to bucked due to the amount of pain it was causing me.

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