Chapter 14

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  • Dedicated to to Whoever know or had been affected by cancer!

Zane’s Point of View- Tuesday Morning

Stretching my arms above my head, I was reluctant to get out of bed. After all the stuff that was posted on Facebook, I was quite content lying in my warm sheets.

I was nervous about what everyone would say to Payton. I din t really care what anyone said to me, although they probably wouldn’t say anything to me at all. It was Payton who would get the side glances, glares and just the teasing snide comments.

After watching the way she inwardly died yesterday when she saw everything people had posted. I no longer was going to watch her from a distance as she’s bullied, id be by her side, fighting every fight for her. Her face had crumbled I’d tried so hard to get her to open up and forget about it. She blocked me out and claimed she had to go home. Id never wanted to see her like that again, so broken defeated.

That thought alone prompted me to get out of bed. The thought of seeing Payton again and not allowing her to fight her own battles anymore. Being able to tell her that I was here for her, and never again would she have to face everyone on her own.

Groggily I stumbled into the bathroom, rubbing my eyes sleepily. I grabbed my hair gel, squirting some into my hand I reached up to spike my hair but I hesitated. Does Payton even liked my hair spiked? Shaking myself mentally, I scolded myself for even thinking something like that. Why did it even matter? I allowed my hands to quickly spike my hair in its regular style.

I dressed casually a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, quickly running down the stairs before thoughts of if Payton would like what I was wearing, even had time to form in my mind.

Mom was sitting at the kitchen table, calmly sipping her tea.

“Morning.” I said gently kissing her on the cheek.

“You look nice today Zane.” she said.

“I do?” I asked, a slight frantic tone managed to slip into my voice. “I mean-” I tried to save myself, clearing my throat. “Thanks”

Mom just smirked at me over her tea, not saying anything. She took another sip of her tea. Turning away from her I tried to hide my blush that was forming painfully obvious on my cheeks.

“have a great day!” she hollered at my retreating form. I glanced back at her to see her eyes laughing at me as she took another sip of tea.

I dashed out the door and rushed into my car. Disappointment tore though me as I glanced at the dashboard clock, realizing it was too late to pick up Payton.

I arrived at school a few minute later. Ignoring peoples stares, I looked over their heads looking for my girl in black.

When my eyes finally found her, I began to shove though the crowd to get to her.

“Payton!” I called out, willing her to turn around and see me. She glanced at me then, she looked like a deer caught in the headlights, before she staring springing off in the opposite direction. Away from me.

Confusion swept through me, that was apparent that Diana who had just been talking to Payton was also confused as why her friend had just ran away.

“What was that about?” Diana asked me turning to face me, her calculating beady little eyes starred me down.

“I don’t know.” I said to her truthfully “but I plan on finding out.” not even waiting for her reply I starting running down the hallway Payton had just taken off down searching for her. I didn’t find her before fist class, nor did I find her during the break in between classes.

I knew at lunch she wouldn’t be able to avoid me. I entered the cafeteria late, insuring that shed be eating at her regular table. I knew that if id had gone into the cafeteria earlier she would have ran as soon as she’d seen me. So id gambled and waited outside the cafeteria doors praying that she hadn’t gone off school grounds for lunch. Pushing open the doors, holding my breath I let it out slowly when I saw her. Her back was too me, tat was good that way she wouldn’t see me.

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