Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Big shout out to ashasherwee whose been motivating me to get this story out to all u guys!

Zane’s Point of View- Friday Night

Humming slightly to myself I flicked though the television channels unsure of what to watch. It was a quiet night, for my parents had gone away on a business trip until Monday evening. They both trusted me in the house by myself and this wasn’t the first time they had left me. I normally didn’t do anything. Once and a while I’d throw a party, but it was almost too much of a hassle to bother. This weekend I planned on just having a quiet time and just relaxing.

I had just settled in to watch the basket ball game that was on, when I heard a thud on my front door. It wasn’t a knock. My eyes flicked up quickly to the clock that was about the mantle and I did a double take as I realized it was well over 11, the football game had ended well over a good three hours ago.
I was a little hesitant to check who was knocking or thumping against my door so late at night. Slowly I headed to my front door and opened the door just a crack. Opening it a slight bit more I recoiled as I saw a body laying on my front porch! The door opened even further revealing not just any body, but Payton’s!
I felt my own eyes widen as I could make out even in the poor lighting, the red streak of blood running down her face and soaking into my porch. I gulped loudly and stood there staring at her unsure of what to do. I honestly though she was dead until her lips moved and she spoke. It was like music to my ears as I realized she was alive.

I was so relived that it took a minute for her words to even register in my head “No hospital.” she had whispered to me before her head rolled to one side and I knew she had completely passed out, the rise and fall of her chest convinced me so.
Panic was the only mode my body seemed to be running on. She was bleeding heavily and I was no doctor! She needed serous medical attention, what was I supposed to do!

Deciding I had least had to get her odd my freezing porch first I glanced around, luckily all my neighbours houses were dark, they hadn’t seen me or Payton.

Scooping her up in my arms I carried her bridal style into my house her head against my chest. Cradling her to my body I rushed into the living room and lowered her onto the couch.

Quickly I flicked on all the lights and turned them all on to the max wanting to be able to see her clearly. I nearly gagged as I looked at her closely for the first time.
Her hair was matted in blood as there was a large gash on the side of her face near her eye. Luckily it was far enough away that I could see no damage to her eye but the cut was bleeding profusely.

Glass was sticking out of numerous cuts all over her body. I could see the tiny pieces glittering in the light. There was a large growing stain on her waistline which led me to believe she was badly injured there as well. Blood was oozing from all of her cuts; the one that stood out from me from the rest was the large scratch like cut that was on her cheek, in which the blood just seemed to rain out of.

I swore loudly and ran a shaking hand though my hair as I contemplated what to do. Grabbing my phone my fingers shook madly as I scrolled though my contacts list. Finding Jude’s name I quickly clicked on it and brought it to my ear.

“Pizzeria’s speaking how can I take you order.”
“Shut up.” I snapped not in the mood for his games tonight

“What’s been shoved up your ass?” he asked laughing still.

“Shut up and listen for a second.” I snapped the pressure and stress starting to get to me “I need your help.”

Finally taking in my tone Jude answered back seriously for once “What happened? What do you need?”

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2013 ⏰

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