Chapter 19 part 1

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Dedicated to shakespeare169 who has really been there for me the last few weeks hes an amazing guy little pervish but ya know what else can u expect from a teenage guy! jk lolz i love you! ha ha but no hes been really great towards me and helped me get through a bunch of BS and helped me be able to write this lovely chapter for u all! so check out his work plzzzzzz! and just shoot him a message saying hi. hes a great guy and u will love his convos with u as much as i do.

Chapter 19 part 1

Zane’s Point of View- Monday

Curse words flew from Jude’s lips as he leaned back in his chair in the library. I had just finished telling him everything Payton had told me.

“Why is she still living there?” he asked “ I mean c’mon she doesn’t look that stupid.”

“She’s not!” I snapped “she has ties to the house, memories she doesn’t want to leave. I think there’s something more that she’s not telling me.”

Jude snorted “memories? Memories of her Father beating the crap out of her? Oh yeah I can totally see why she‘d want to keep those.”

“shut up!” I hissed as his voice started to rise and the few people that were scattered in tables around the library peered over at us curiously. “look I’m pretty sure, no I know, I wasn’t supposed to tell you any of this. But I need your help getting Payton out of there.”

Jude nodded slowly “yeah I’m sure I can help you, we can convince her to leave, and f she wont cooperate I can always throw her over my shoulder and take her with us.”

“Oh yeah.” I said sarcastically “cause that’s so going to keep her away from her house.”

“We can tie her to your bed with chains!”

Feeling my eyes go wide said “now I’m wondering if were saving her, or planning on raping her!”

Jude laughed “Alright, alright. we’ll tie her to a chair instead of your bed!”

I shook my head grinning slightly “sometimes I worry about your sanity.”

* * * *

“where’s Payton?” I asked Diana at lunch as Payton was no where to be seen. My knees were bouncing slightly under the table and I uneasily ran my fingers through my hair. After everything that I’d learned about her last weekend ands not hearing or seeing her once since then was kind of putting me on edge.

“I don’t know.” Diana said “ I haven’t seen her all day. Why, what do you need her for?”

“nothing.” I mumbled continuing to look around the cafeteria. Jude and I made eye contact briefly and he slowly inclined his head towards the cafeteria doors silently telling me to go look for her. “I’ll be right back.” I said to the both of them as I stood up abruptly.

“I’m coming with you.” Jude said instantly.

“where are you guys off too?” Diana asked curiously sparkling in her eyes. I couldn’t tell her that we were both off to find Payton, shed want to come along and if Payton was in bad shape I couldn’t have Diana see her.

“No where important.” I said shrugging “I’m just going to some extra math help.”

Diana cocked an eyebrow at me looking at me doubtfully “with Jude?”

I nodded “Er... Yeah he needs help too…”

“Fine.” Diana huffed “be all secretive and don’t tell me the truth. You guys have fun making out in some secret closet. I can see the chemistry between you guys. You sure Zane and you and Jude are only friends?”

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