Chapter 11

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this chaptyer is to make up for the last one being so late sorry about that so here you go chapter 11

Chapter 11

Payton’s Point of View- Early Tuesday Morning

My Father’s face, full of anger and hate stared down at me I screamed but no none heard. I was alone. He lunged at me his arms outstretched towards me.

My eyes shot open. I was panting heavily, closing my eyes once again, trying to erase the feelings and emotions my nightmares always brang.

Without a second thought I rolled over and cuddled with the warm body lying next to me.

Wait a minute…warm body!?

My eyes snapped open once again to find myself cuddling with no other but Zane! I was sleeping in the same bed as him! Well technically I wasn’t sleeping, but he was!

I started to panic as I realized I didn’t remember anything after Zane had held me as I cried. Suddenly Zane moved slightly causing the blanket to fall exposing his bare shoulder.

I really then did start to panic. What had we done last night? Terrified I lifted the blankets slightly and stared down at myself for a second before it registered that I did indeed have clothes on.

Breathing a sigh of relief I rationalized we couldn’t have had sex if I had clothes on. Right?

On I though as another thought struck me. With dread I lifted up the blankets once again this time taking a glance at Zane. I blushed as I saw he was only wearing boxers but at least he was clothed. Thank goodness.

“Disappointed.” Zane chucked huskily from beside me. I blushed a deeper red when I realized I had been caught staring at his boxers. “You do know they come off? You know if you want-”

“STOP!” I yelled my cheeks burning. I placed my hands on his chest, trying to ignore his toned chest underneath my fingers. I shoved him roughly, and he toppled backwards off the bed. Zane groaned from his potion ion on the floor, which looked like he had landed painfully.

“Out.” I said pointing towards the door not wanting to put up with him at, I checked the clock, 4:00 in the morning!

Zane pouted “Your going to kick me out of my own room?” he asked. Suddenly I became a lot more aware of my surroundings, once he had announced that I was in room. I’d never been in here. His flat screen television glinted slightly from the corner of his room, from the light that his laptop was emitting from beside it. Surprisingly his room was reasonably clean only his t-shirt and jeans from yesterday lay on the floor. His king sized bed occupied most of the room, I could see a door attached to a balcony directly across from the bed, the moon providing most of the light as it shinned in from outside.

I blushed once again as I saw Zane smirking at me from the floor seeming quiet happy the way I was eye-raping his room.

“You like?” he asked cockily, a double meaning clear in his voice.

“Shut up.” I mumbled as Zane sat on the floor grinning at me like an idiot, until I remembered why he was sitting on the floor in the first place. “I guess I’ll sleep on the couch.” I said heavily myself to my feet, not wanting to feel guilty about making him do so, since it was his own room.

“Why?” Zane asked reaching for me and grabbing my arm preventing me from leaving “Weren’t we fine before, I mean we were both sleeping in the same bed and we both were fine. What’s different now?”

I glared at him “I didn’t know I was sleeping with you before! Now I do that’s what’s different.”

Zane grinned at me “”Babe,” he said “If we were sleeping together you would know it.” he winked at me.

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