Chapter 12 part 1

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Chapter 12 part 1

Payton’s Point of View- Sunday/Monday

After yesterday’s embarrassing breakfast with the Torres, I went home, praying my Father wouldn’t overreact that I didn’t come home all night.

He hadn’t even noticed I was gone, not that that was a surprise.

School came quickly and before I knew it I was sitting in biology, Mr. Morris was teaching in the front of the room, while I causally doodled on my sheet in front of me not really caring what he was saying.

Zane, who sat across the room from me, couldn’t help but wink at me every time he caught my eye, making me blush profoundly. Zane’s smirk only larger with every shade I reddened. At the end of class Zane walked over to my desk, grabbing my hand he towed me out of the room behind him.

“Wait Zane.” I said when he continued to drag me.

Turning a corner he spun around grinning at me wildly “What?” he asked innocently.

“Aren’t you afraid to be seen with me?” I asked, dreading the moment when realization would spark in his eyes and he would drop my hand like I had told him I slept with his brother. That is, if he even had a brother.

“Naw.” Zane scoffed “I realized I’d rather be apart of your life. You make my word spin.” Zane said teasingly, speaking in a sing-song high pitch voice.

I couldn’t help but to laugh. Zane rolled his eyes at me and tried to start dragging me again “Wait!” I said.

Zane turned to face me and said in fake exasperation “What now?”

My tone grew serious and I felt a lump in my throat swell when I said “I forgive you.”

“What for?” Zane asked completely serious now as though he had also recognised the turn of seriousness in the conversation

“Everything.” I whispered to him and I felt the truth in my words, as tears sprang into my eyes. I was forgiving him for everything he had done to me, all the pain he had put me through, because with that pain also come the few moments in my life where I was happy. I was happy around Zane, I felt complete and he seemed to know just now to cheer me up and help me without even knowing it.

Zane mouth dropped open, shock etched into every single one of his features. “What happened to ‘I never forgive those who hurt me Zane, and you hurt me.”

I grinned at him, as a single tear cascaded down my cheek “I decided to make a single exception.” and then suddenly I was in his arms. He was hugging me so tightly, I had no other choice then to hug him back.

“Thank you.” he whispered in my ear, his voice shacking slightly in emotion. His whisper tickled my ear and I couldn’t help but shutter. This was not unnoticed by Zane as his muted laughter shook both his and my body as he tried to control himself.

“Your not in my bad books anymore, Zane Torres.” I whispered to him.

“Oh on the contrary Payton Graves,” he whispered back to me seductively. “I do believe I wasn’t to be in those naughty books of yours.”

If it wasn’t enough that my legs started to quicker just by the sound of his voice, Zane then continued to gently place light kisses along the side of my neck.

I grabbed a fist full of Zane’s shirt as he continued to place kisses on my neck, since we were both still clinging to each other, as my breathing hitched and I trembled, effectively placing a permanent smirk on Zane’s lips. I could feel his smirk through his kisses.

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