Chapter 7 part 2

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Dedicated to xxWhoAteMyCookiexx for being completely awesome and taking the time to talk to her fans!!!!!!


hahaha i know you all love me!!!!!

Zane’s Point of View- Sunday Game day

“Zane!” Jude yelled “Snap out of it!” I blinked gently shaking my head hoping to clear it. Jude laughed “your head has been up in the clouds for the last 10minutes.” We were both on our way to practice.

Jude was excited for out first game, while I just couldn’t wait to get it over with.

I couldn’t stop myself from thinking about Payton. I knew I had hurt her badly, but I had apologised, I didn’t know how else to make things better between the two of us again.

“There you go again!” Jude laughed his voice breaking into my thoughts. His smile dropped from his face and he glanced at me from the drivers seat “You okay?” he asked quietly “Your thinking about Payton aren’t you?”

Sighing, I nodded “Yeah.” Jude echoed my sign with one of his own.

He pulled into the schools parking lot before he turned to me and said “Look man, I’m not going to lie to you, you messes up. You’re the only one that can make it better again.”

I ran my fingers through my hair, gripping it between my fingers in frustration” I already apologised.”

Jude smirked at me “give the boy a prize. You apologised! Wow it’s a wonder why she didn’t forgive you.” he said sarcastically to me. Rolling his eyes. “Do you really think after everything you’ve done that she’s just going to forgive you straight away? Honestly how stupid do you think she is?” snorting Jude climbed out of his truck.

“Hey-” I started to say but Jude slammed the truck door closed in my face. That seemed to be happening a lot more then I’d like these days. I climbed out after him yelling, “It was a very sincere apology!”

Jude ignored me and continued making his way towards the locker rooms.

I caught up to him and punched his arm playfully “What are you mad at me now too?” I asked jokingly. I stopped smiling when Jude didn’t’ answer. “Jude?”

He signed and turned to me “I’m not mad.” he said “I just don’t get what you’re playing at.”

I glared at him “What do you mean ‘playing at’.”

“You played with Payton’s emotions being nice Zane, then jerk Zane. You mad a mess of things, so if you really care about her fix it! Stop saying you already apologised if you are truly sorry prove it to her! She doesn’t need any more complications in her life!”

Shocked I let his words slowly register in my head “other complication?” I asked “what do you know about her?”

Jude shifted his bed on his shoulder, before he shrugged. Not meeting my eyes he mumbled “It’s nothing.” he made a move to walk away but before he could go anywhere I grabbed him. I swung him around to face me

“What are you talking about?” I snapped my patience running low.

Sighing in defeat he said “look okay. I’m not saying this relates to Payton at all,” he said lowering his voice as some other team mates walked by, “but I used to live in her area.” I felt my eyes widen in shock. “A boy sees more things then he should in areas like that.” Jude said mask of pain covering his features.

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