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Originally, I saw this on whil3pigsfly, but this story will be Chmergess ❤ Enjoy!

Sharna's story:

Picture: a black screen with the filter that puts the digital time on the screen (2:25 p.m.)

Caption: Just me casually waiting for ABC to call back...


Picture: Sharna with an extremely happy face.

Caption: I got it 🎉


Video: "Hey, hey, hey, Peta? Peta? Hey, Peta?" *zooms in on Peta (who's sitting across from her* "guess what show I'm going to be working on? DANCING WITH THE STARS!"

Caption: finally working alongside this queen (love you, bestie) 😘


A/N: I know this is short, but part two soon! YAY! I like this idea! ❤

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