P.S. I Hate You

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This was a weird morning.

First, Sharna and Val got an impromptu invite to a black tie dinner that Derek was hosting.

Then their apartment got a letter.

Like mail.

That literally never happens.

It is so rare that Val doesn't even remember the last time he's seen a mail man or a mail delivery truck in the apartment complex.

"I'M GOING TO GO GET THE MAIL!" Val yelled up the stairs as Sharna was getting ready.

"OKAY, LOVE!" Sharna yelled back.

Amber Rose

The letter was from Amber Rose.

They broke up a year and a half ago! Why is she sending him letters?

Val sat on the carpet floor of his living room, his back propped up against a wall, and broke the adhesive seal of the envelope.


Dear Val,

Sure, you've done a lot in this world.

You've made yourself a name in this art. You've kept the Chmerkovskiy legacy alive all the way from The Ukraine. You've done a lot good in this crazy jungle of a world.

But you've also cheated on girls. Betrayed them. You've ruined them. You've crushed all of their spirits.

Sure, we can argue you were young then, but that doesn't change anything.

The past doesn't change, Valentin, remember that.

Remember that the next time you try to get a girl, alright?


P.S. I hate you.


"Val, Love, whatcha got there?" Sharna asked, seeing how mad he looked while reading the note.

"Nothing." He crumpled the paper up and looked up at his girl. "Nothing at all."

"Okay, are you ready to go?" She held her hand out.

"Of course I'm ready!" Val exclaimed, grabbing Sharna's hand as she helped him stand up.

He helped her put her black blazer over her red dress before they got into the car.

Val's hands reached for the keys, but Sharna stopped him.

"Not too fast, Chmerkovskiy, I'm driving."

"Alright, Babe." Val chuckled and kissed her cheek.

Once Sharna got in the car, and was out of his line of sight for a second, he whipped out his phone and sent one text...

Val - Guess who's dating Sharna Burgess? Yeah, the one you were always jealous of. Oh, and P.S. I hate you to

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