c h a p t e r ~ XXII

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I was awakened by Hermione shoving me

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I was awakened by Hermione shoving me.
"It's time." She whispered. I woke up and immediately turned into a Phoenix.

I flew to the House window, eyes on Peter Pettitgrew the whole time. I saw him turn back into a rat and scurry away.

I followed him and picked him up with my talons. He tried to escape my claws, but I was far enough from the ground that if he did turn back into a human, he would fall to his death.

I flew straight to Dumbledore. I dropped him on his desk. Peter turned back into a human and tried to get away.
"I'll handle this, go back to Harry, I don't want him getting hurt." I gave Dumbledore a nod and started to fly back.

When I got there, Harry was being cornered by Lupin, in his werewolf form. Harry was hiding behind a tree. I flew the opposite direction of Harry, and tried to distract Lupin. It worked for a few minutes, before he raised his claw and hit me out of the air.

Buck beak came back and fought off Lupin as I struggled to hang on for my life. Harry ran up to me, who was still a bird.
"Edelen, please, stay alive. Turn back into a human, it'll be easier to help you." I did as he said and turned into a human. Lupin had cut my abdomen right open. I could barely breathe, he must have pierced my lung too.

"Omg, Edelen." Harry cried.
"You're going to be okay. I promise. Please, you have to live for me. You have too. You can't die, please." Tears were streaming down his face. I gave him a weak nod and smile. I raised my hand and touched his face, wiping the tear from it.

He lowered his forehead to touch mine, closing his eyes in pain. I closed mine, knowing this my be the last time he sees me alive was painful. Right before I would die, I could turn back into a Phoenix and be reborn, but I wouldn't be me, I would now be the Phoenix and would never be able to change back.

At that moment, fawks, Dumbledores Phoenix, flew down towards me. She landed on body, and dropped her tears into all my injury's, healing them.

I caught my breath and sat up. I looked over at her, tears in my eyes.
"Thank you." I said, petting her on the head. She cooed before flying away.

Harry pulled me into a hug.
"I thought I was going to lose you." He sobbed.
"It's okay Harry, I'm right here. I'm right here." I whispered, running my fingers through this hair.
"C'mon now, lets go save "us"." I joked. Harry let out a small, relieved laugh.

Harry helped me stand up and the took his hand in mine, and we started to run towards where the lake was. We found an opening across from where "we" were.
"Watch, my dad will come." Harry said.
"Harry, you fathers-" he cut me off.
"Dead. I know. But I saw him. He saved us. He'll come. I know he will."
We waited a few seconds.
"Harry, no ones coming." I said.

Suddenly, Harry took out his wand and jumped out from the bushes.
"EXPECTOPATRONUM!" He yelled. A deer jumped out from the tip of his wand. It scared the Dementors away. I saw Sirius's soul return to him. "Harry" passed out as Snape came out from the woods, on the other side of the lake.

"You did it Harry!" I said, pulling him into a hug. We both had huge smiles on our faces.
We eventually found Hermione, and started running to the hospital wing. We made it just as Dumbledore was walking out.
"We did it." Hermione said.
"Did what?" The headmaster asked, before giving us a wink and walking away.

The three of us walked into the hospital wing as the other "us" went back into time. Ron had a bamboozled look on his face.
"But, you were just there, then, now, your there!" He stammered. I let out a small laugh.
"Oh Ron."
The three of us where walking back to the Gryffindor dorms. Ron had to spend another night in the hospital wing before he was allowed to leave.

Hermione has gone up to our dorm, and I was about to, when Harry pulled me back.
"Uh-uh. You're spending the night with me. You almost died tonight. You can sleep in my clothes, cmon." He said, pulling me up to his dorm. Every one was already asleep. Harry handed me clothes to change into and turned around so I could change.

His clothes were big on me, but really comfortable. He turned around when I was down.
"Damn, you look nice in my clothes." He joked. I punched him in the arm.
"Shove off." I joked back. He was so ridiculous sometimes.

He crawled under the covers and then lifted the corner if the sheets.
"Hop in." He half whispered. I laughed and crawled in with him.

A few moments later he started to tickle my side.
"Harry! Stop!" I whisper yelled through giggles. I turned to look at him. He was smiling at me with his cute, half smile.
"Goodnight." I said.
"Goodnight." He said back, kissing me on the forehead, wrapping his arm around my waist and then closing his eyes.

All I could think about was how much we acted like a couple without actually being one. I wondered if he would ever like me back. Maybe it was stupid to think. He probably wanted to be just friends, but close friends.

I was too scared to admit my feelings for him. It was scary. Maybe I should go after someone else. I thought. But I couldn't really imagine anyone else.
What did you think about the little cute moment between the two?
I can't really decide a good ship name but if you have one please share it.
I loved writing this chapters and I hope you enjoys it
Keep reading

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