c h a p t e r ~ II

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I got tossed around as the students shuffled out of the train

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I got tossed around as the students shuffled out of the train. The older students left to enter the school a different way, while the first years followed a tall man with bushy black hair and beard toward a lake.

On the lake there were many boats, all line up. Students started loading into the boats. I sat with Hermione, a girl that Ron, Harry, and I had met on the train. She seemed nice enough.

The boats took us across the black lake, from there we were guided to a hallway, in front was two, large, wooden doors. I stood near Draco, but I was respecting his privacy and not wanting me around 24/7. I was waiting with Hermione, who was filling my head with random facts about Hogwarts. Soon, a woman with a long, green, robe walked into the hall.

She gave us a brief speech and then led us through the large doors into a larger room with 5 tables, 4 of which where for each house. The 5th laid divergent to the other 4, being the table for the professors.

Professor McGonagall, the woman that was wearing the green robes, made the first years form a line.

One by one, each first year was sorted into their houses. Even though I should have been one of the first people to go, they seemed to have forgotten me.

Draco was sorted into Slytherin, and my other friends, Harry, Ron, and Hermione had been sorted into Gryffindor.

I was slightly disappointed, thinking that at least Harry might have been sorted into Slytherin. I was sadly mistaken.

Soon enough, it was my turn to be sorted. I walked as confidently as I could up to the stool and sat down.

A hat was lightly placed on my head, making the butterflies in my stomach go wild.

I slightly jumped when a strange voice started talking inside my head.

"Ahh, a noble Black, eh. I ot to put you in Slytherin, but I sense something, a fire, perhaps. Awe, yes, I see. Decisions, Decisions. Better be.."
"Gryffindor!" The hat yelled aloud. Shock washed over my face as I stood up and walked over to join my friends.

I dared to look at Draco who was staring at me, sharing the same expression, soon, his shock turned into disappointment. I watched as his face dropped and turned away from me.

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