Chapter Ten

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I am so sorry people I haven't updated in forever.

Every time I see new comments and followers I feel like the happiest girl in the world!
I really love all of you who have stuck with this story! Like deep, deeeep love. Like you should really be worried kinda love :)
Anyway even though I have literally no inspiration and I don't have a clue about what's going on, I will try my very best to write this chapter for you!
Also I would appreciate it if you would take a look at my new L x Light fanfic, the first chapter will be published shortly after this one :)
I love you all!
Be sure to lock your doors at night



I glanced through lidded eyes at the cafeteria wall across from where I sat.

Sebastian really didn't show any mercy last night. I mean, we didn't go all the way just yet but he kept me up VERY late with....things......

Anyway school today had been a nightmare so far, I could barely keep my eyes open all throughout my classes, and Sebastian never hesitated to remind me of why that was. In fact you could say he took every opportunity there was to do so.

My eyes just about to drift fully closed when I was interrupted by an annoying female voice. My immediate thought was Lizzy

But no I looked up to see a different blonde looking down on me. And she was angry...

"Uhh... how do you do?"

She smirked. "Listen here you little brat. Remember me? Yeah I'm the one who walked in on you seducing our dear Sebastian."

My eyes widened. So it was her.

"Oooookaaay." I replied, utter confusion lacing my voice.

I tilted my head. "But who's that behind you?" my gaze fell to a quiet girl with violet eyes and light lilac coloured hair that she wore short and wavy.

"That's Angela." Angela smiled at me and I couldn't help but feel reassured by her presence, this other girl though, was really scaring me.

"You probably already know but I'm Christine, we just came over here to introduce ourselves. Well, see ya later."

She smiled sweetly (but not in a comforting way like Angela, it seemed evil) and turned swiftly to strut out, long shimmery blonde curtain blowing about behind her.

Sebastian where are you!?!?!

I knew he was in a meeting with his English teacher for some damn reason but still... I was starting to feel concerned for my safety now.


I nodded my head along, pretending I was listening to her praise and suggestions about my future career and blah blah blah.

But suddenly my thoughts about kittens were interrupted by a distress call from my master.

I stood up. "Pardon me Ma'am but I've just remembered something I had to do."

I left hurriedly without waiting for a reply and found myself at the place where Ciel was sitting in the cafeteria.

"Are you alright master? I heard your call?"

"Oh that? I'm fine at the moment but that girl Christine is really beginning to worry me. It seems she's jealous."

"Oh yes, I believe she's had little crush on me for a while now."

"Yeah? Well I get the feeling that it's a lot bigger than you think it is."

A/N Okay sorry but I totally didn't realise how wrong that sounded until after I wrote it XD I promise!
Anyway I hope you like this little chapter and with the foundations of the plot I've had in my head from the beginning FINALLY set, it will be easier to continue writing and I might be able to update more often. YAY!
I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!

A Turn For The Better (Sebaciel) (Yaoi)Where stories live. Discover now