Chapter Two

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I looked up at the intimidating stone building and shivered. Highschool was going to be... experience for me.

I gathered my bearings and trudged forward, wincing at the harsh, cold English wind setting fire to my cheeks.

I hesitantly asked one of the office personnel for instructions on what to do and was told to report to the advisor. who was apparently on the second floor of the A building. I was too scared to ask where that was and found myself wondering endlessly through random long hallways.

luckily I had the sense to arrive a bit early so I didn't have to be in class yet.

but my cheeks quickly reddened at all the people in the halls gawking and staring at my eye patch.

I groaned inwardly. Only my first day and I was already in hell


I laughed and pretended I was paying attention to the awful conversation going on around me.

I was expected to talk to the crowd of people practically swarming at my feet.

how despicable that they practically worship someone for something as superficial as beauty.

then they diss other people for the same superficial reasons, the popular crowd really are the lowest form of life.

I would love to see the looks on those slutty girls' faces if they found out I played for the other team.

I was so sick of their bitching and moaning.

so sick that I snuck away when the best opportunity presented itself and found myself running down the long corridors of the school, ignoring the questioning stares of my peers.

I turned a corner and out of nowhere found my self on the hard waxed floor.

I looked up, rubbing my head and quickly found myself blushing at the cause of my fall.

a small boy with porcelain skin was sitting crumpled in front of me and when he looked up I saw a beautiful blue eye and HOLY SHIT AN EYE PATCH!

he blushed when he saw me and quickly scrambled to his feet.

"I'm so sorry!" he gasped.

I just stared as he held out a hand to help me up, which I greatfully took, this boy was truly the most beautiful creature I had ever seen.

"I'm Ciel." he said nervously.

I gave a like little bow of my head. "hello Ciel, I'm Sebastian."

"h-hi." he blushed once more and I merely smiled in return.

he ran a hand nervously through His midnight blue hair and coughed.

"um, I'm sorry to be a bother but could you maybe direct me to the advisor?" he mumbled, obviously embarrassed.

"Oh." I examined his flushed cheeks and almost blushed again myself. "Sure I'll help you, but, might I ask, what grade are you in?"


"really! woah we definitely don't look like we're in the same grade."

"well sorry, it's not my fault that I'm small."

I winced at his offended tone.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you."

he looked up and blushed as if he was noticing me for the first time.

I blushed at his stare.

"Umm, pardon me but, do I have something on my face?"

Ciel blushed and quickly looked away. "No it's just.."


his cheeks darkened. "Nothing never mind."

"Okay then let me escort you to the advisor's office."


i nodded and followed him in silence.

"Mister Simons?" he inquired.

"yes? is that you Sebastian?"

"indeed sir, I have brought a new student that requires your assistance."

"okay bring them in."

I stepped cautiously into his office, taking note of the strange artworks on the walls, and bowed my head respectively.

"Nice to meet you sir, I am Ciel."

"Well nice to meet you Ciel, you'll be needing a timetable then, and someone to show you around, do you think you could do that Sebastian?"

he gave an oddly smug smile."of course."

"well then, I'll be giving you both a day off classes so Sebastian can tell you everything you need to know."

I nodded great fully. "Thank you sir, but can you do that?"

"Course I can, now off with you both."

"Well... alright then." I walked out with Sebastian and followed him down a narrow hallway.

"Sebastian, where are we going?"

"I think we should start with the cafeteria."

"oh, okay."

"Ciel?" he asked


"Are you worried about something? You seem kind of stressed."

I blushed and looked at the floor.

"yeah well I'm kind of worried that people won't like me." he chuckled. "Don't worry about it. I like you already so I'm sure you'll be fine, and I can clear up any questions about your age so you won't have to worry about that either." 

I nodded greatfully. "Thanks."

he smiled. "Now if it is alright with you, we shall begin the tour."

A Turn For The Better (Sebaciel) (Yaoi)Where stories live. Discover now