Chapter Twelve

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Hey people!

Guess what you chose?


I know, shocker right? Who else did NOT see that one coming? XD #sarcasm

Anyway before we start there are some things that have been causing confusion and its probably just my inability to properly explain them in the book, so I just want to clarify some things here.

#1 People keep saying things like “Aren’t they in high school?” And I understand why you would ask that. So just let me explain. Sebastian is a demon in this story and is only in the high school because the students are easy to prey on, BUT he is still like really, reaaally, reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally old, so yeah… And Ciel is sixteen in this book (Which is older than he is in the actual story so I don’t see how he’s too young to have sex) Anyhoo the reason I made him this old is because Sebastian couldn’t pass for a twelve/thirteen year old and I wanted them to be in the same class so yeah, magic aging juice for Ciel.

Moving on…

#2 Angela did not have a crush on Sebastian, she was friends with Emily who did. Also the chains and the dark room were a reference to when she whips Sebastian in the anime. Plus with her being a psycho angel and all I don’t think it would be difficult for her to produce the room, whip etc. 

So yeah I hope you understand the story a bit better, and thanks to those people with the questioning comments because without them I’m sure my story would just continue to confuse people ;)




I felt his right hand on my neck, gently pulling me closer to bring my lips to his. He bit down softly on my bottom lip and I let out a moan when his long tongue penetrated my mouth, exploring every inch.

He smirked at the sound and slowly dragged his left hand down my back before slipping it inside my shirt and dragging his fingers across my shoulder blades.

“Ahnn… Sebastian.” I moaned as he broke the kiss to lightly suck on my neck, he reached the spot where my jaw line met my earlobe and prodded it with his cold wet tongue.

My back arched and I gasped at the touch, he proceeded to move his hand off my back and slide it up my chest, lifting off my shirt in the process.

I watched in awe as he removed his own shirt and smirked at my stare. “Feel free to touch, Master.” He pulled on my hand and gently placed it on his abdomen. My eyes widened as I glided my fingers over his rippling lean muscle.

He sat back on the bed so that his back was leaning against the wall and pulled me on top of him so that I was straddling his upper thighs.

My eyes still firmly set on his abbs, I slowly leaned down and dragged my tongue down his chest, getting lower, and lower… Only to stop just before his pants.

A Turn For The Better (Sebaciel) (Yaoi)Where stories live. Discover now