Chapter Eight

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Author's note: I think you guys are going to like this one!

It's a sort of treat for taking so long to update.


Enjoy Darlings!



I groaned as I slid into my seat in the back of science class, only my second day of school and already I knew the basics.

Science = Death

"Come now Master, it isn't all bad you know." Sebastian grinned widely.

"Sebastian, why are you smiling like that? It's as if you know something I don't." I muttered.

His grin widened further still. "Well I do know what our teacher has planned for us this lesson. But that can hardly be considered important."

My eyes widened. "What are you on abo-"

"Shhh, Master. Listen to the teacher." He cut me off and turned to face the front of the classroom.

I gritted my teeth and looked at the floor

Damn for some reason I can't help but notice that he looks attractive even in a profile shot. CRAP! He's a boy! I'm a boy! I can't think like that, it would be wrong... But then again...

I lifted my head to look at him once more with a faint blush on my cheeks, but then lowered it quickly.

No! I am not gay for Sebastian!


I chuckled at the lesson on 'friction' the teacher was blabbering on about.

Completely aware of the laughter in the class as he defined the subject matter. And very obviously not caring.

Eventually he was finished with his lecture and gave us some boring, text book work. I stole a side glance at Ciel to see him staring down at his book with a confused expression.

"Damn, I really don't understand all this 'friction' stuff."

I grinned (A/N: Rape face! XD) "Well then Master, Perhaps you would like a demonstration?"

His confused gaze moved to my eyes, but he hesitantly nodded.

Under the desk my hand (somehow) managed to find its way to his thigh. I rubbed the place between the thigh and the crotch and leaned down to his blushing face. "Master 'friction', two objects rubbing together, while pressing against each other, causing resistance." Leaning further so that his hair hid my lips and it looked like I was giving him an answer I whispered. "Do you understand now Master? Or do you wish for me to demonstrate further?"

A small smile appeared on his face and he shook his head. "No. I still don't quite understand. Please continue to explain it to me."

I laughed. "I'm happy to oblige." I licked his ear. "You see master, with my saliva acting as a 'lubricant' of sorts my tongue was able to glide across your ear smoothly. Without friction." My hand travelled down his pants to the slight bulge and I rubbed harder than I had earlier. "But this." I muttered, lips still brushing against his ear. "Is another fine example of friction."

He (much to his display) was unable to hold back a moan as I rubbed his half-hard member under the desk.

"S-Sebastian, don't you think we're going a bit far, we're... Hahh.... right in the middle of class." He whisper/panted.

A Turn For The Better (Sebaciel) (Yaoi)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz