Chapter Thirteen

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I woke up to the feeling of something warm clinging to me.

Looking up cautiously my eyes widened when I saw Sebastian hugging me close to his chest. Then I remembered what we did last night and blushed like crazy.

He was still asleep... I didn't know demons could sleep... I thought he told me once that he doesn't sleep, well that doesn't mean he can't sleep I guess.

I looked around the room and saw the clothes lying on the floor, my blush only intensified when I realised that we were both naked. I tried to get out of his grasp but his hold on me was strong, I had no choice but to wake him up.

I shook his shoulder. "Sebastian?" His left eye opened slightly, soon followed by the other before they were both wide open. He smiled and leaned forward to kiss me. My eyes were as wide as saucers but I still kissed him back. It was a tender, gentle kiss and when I finally pulled away my whole face had gone red. "Master? You seem flustered?" He questioned with a curious look that I found adorable.

NoIdon't! How could think big man like that was cute? Honestly Ciel get hold of yourself!

I blushed. "Well see... Your, uhh... body is pressed really close against mine and we are both naked and all... So when you kissed me out of the blue like that I just...."

He grinned "You just?"

I lowered my gaze. "Just forget it."

I felt a sudden tug down there and was astonished to see Sebastian's hand around my lower regions, lightly rubbing and playing with it.

I gasped and blushed "Sebastian! It's early!"

"I don't see your point."

I frowned. "My point is that we haven't even eaten breakfast and if we do this now we'll just be exhausted for the rest of the day."

He just smirked and subtly slipped a finger inside of me causing me to gasp.

"Sebastian!-nghh!.....Ahh!..S-stop!" I bit my lip as I felt another long finger penetrate my entrance and delve even deeper inside.

"Stop what master?" He asked as if he were oblivious to what was going on, all the while he casually brushed my prostate slightly, causing a very ungracious moan to fly off my lips.

He chuckled and shifted so that he was on top of me before moving down my body and hiking my thighs over his shoulders causing me to blush profusely.

"S-Sebastian? W-what are you doing? This isn't the usua-" I felt his finger pressing my lips closed.

"Shhhh. All I can promise is that you'll enjoy it My Lord." He said with a wink.

I gulped and shut my eyes tight, bracing myself for what was to come.
I gasped when I felt his warm, wet tongue on my hole. "SEBASTIAN! D-DON'T LICK ME THERE!" My cheeks were now blazing with heat as he disregarded my request and I felt the muscle slowly slide in.

The tip was all that he had put in so far but he still earned a moan by applying pressure to my walls before soothing it in even deeper and wiggling it around.

h-he isn't human, read somewhere that demons have reeeally long tongues.....oh my god.

he slowly pulled out so that only the tip was inside once more before quickly shoving his whole tongue in as far as it would go, hitting my prostate and making me writhe with pleasure.

He curled his tongue to dig into that spot even more as I tensed up beneath him

"Ahhnnn!!!! SEBASTIAN! Ahh! hah....ahh." I gasped and panted at the contact before releasing all over my chest.

He slowly pulled his tongue out "That was quick master... See? I told you you would enjoy it." He grinned.

"Shut up demon" I grunted, embarrassed that he had been proven right.

"Let's go get something to eat shall we?" He offered, ignoring my bitter tone.


I am so sorry I haven't updated in ages! But I really had no clue what to write, plus I've been feeling really unwell this past month and was really struggling to find the time.

But anyway on the bright side, we got past 30 000 reads! (Yes, we, this is as much your story as it is mine)

Also from looking at the last chapter I published I noticed it had over a thousand reads. That means that over a thousand individual people have stuck with this story! I can't begin to thank you enough and once again I began crying while reading through comments today. You people really are my world and I could never repay you for the happiness you've given me!

I love you more than you'll ever know


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