Chapter Four

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"Ahem" I turned to look at the doorway and jumped anxiously out of Sebastian's arms to see a petite blonde girl.

"Oh i'm sorry, I'm interrupting."

she left hastily and looked like she was about to cry.


I ran down the hall, forgetting all about my need for the bathroom. No longer able to hold in my emotions I felt hot tears roll down my cheeks.

I love him, I love him so much. But he obviously doesn't care about me at all. I'm the most popular girl at school how could he not feel the same way!

walking in on him and that brat made me burn with rage. That's it, I was going to get that midget bastard!


I looked at the door, astonished. What had just happened?

"Sebastian, who was that?" Ciel questioned.

"That was Emily, she is quite popular with the other students I believe."

"Oh I see." Ciel stared at the ground thoughtfully before looking up at me.

"What about you?"

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. "I guess you could say I'm-" the harsh sound of the high pitched school bell interrupted us and I stared at the doors and cringed, knowing full well what was coming.

the large double doors opened wide and thousands of students came rushing in all at once.

Most heading towards a single destination...Me


I sighed, of course he was popular, everyone was practically molesting him in the middle of the cafeteria.

I slipped away unnoticed and went outside to eat my lunch.

finding a small, secluded tree to sit beneath, i gently took out my cake and fork and started to eat.

When I had finished I sighed and leaned back against the tree.

"Nice little hiding spot you've got here."

I gasped and turned around to see a smiling Sebastian staring down at me. he walked forward to stand in front of me and leaned down so his face was only inches from mine.

"May I sit here?" he asked, brows raised.

I blushed and he smirked. "S-sure."

He chuckled and sat next to me.

"What happened to all your followers?"

He looked over his shoulder and I followed his eye to see a bunch of students gathered at the cafeteria doors. One girl started to slowly creep out of the door but Sebastian narrowed his eyes at her and she crawled back into the crowd.

I blinked. "They seem to love and fear you at the same time."

He chuckled. "You are right about that."

I smiled, I was really starting to like this guy.

"Ciel?" he asked.


A Turn For The Better (Sebaciel) (Yaoi)Where stories live. Discover now