Human-!evil Tony Stark x reader

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(This happens before 1st avengers film and after IM 2)

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(This happens before 1st avengers film and after IM 2)

 When Tony Stark discovers the Reality Stone in one of SHIELD's labs, havoc is bond to happen.

Tony's Stark mind was a steeled one, mind control didn't work on him, but when he was in his darkest times, when his past was hunting him down, the shield dissolved, and the real Tony Stark disappeared into the shadow of a maniacal, evil and selfish version of himself, wrapping a reality into a twisted lie. 

The Reality Stone turned him into an evil dictator, a hopeless heathen, and he was ruling the world from such a high level that even the World Council couldn't control him.

People said that only a special person could've weakened the stone's control over him, and save him from destroying the world, but no one knew who that was.

You used to be his best friend, the person who he always relied on, but... when the Reality Stone took control over him, he held you hostage in his Malibu mansion, and he had a armor watching you all the time.

Pepper was forced to listen to his orders and complete his every request... or else.

Tony wasn't torturing you, he was keeping you in his house in a luxurious room, but you weren't allowed to leave the house, or to have contact with the outside world. 

He was still locking himself up in his laboratory, doing who knows what, but he watched over you through the security cameras, and JARVIS was telling him your every move.

You had the freedom to move around the house and do whatever you wanted, but you always had to eat with him, and help him in the lab when he requested.

You tried to escape many times, but the Iron Legion always caught you, and if Tony caught you, it was worse. 

He didn't dare to touch you in any way, yet he slapped you once when he was boiling with anger, because you tried to escape, and when the armor caught you, and flew you to him, you punched his eye.

Well, evil Tony Stark was worse than any other version of him.

FLASHBACK, a few days ago...

"What makes you alone that special?" Tony asked as he cupped your cheek, looking at you with his red, glassy eyes.

His hands were big and cold, and it sent shivers down your spine.

"What do you mean?" you asked, looking back in his eyes.

"When I'm with you... I feel like a human being" he confessed, looking down at you.



"Miss Y/N, Master Stark requires your presence in the lab" you heard JARVIS' voice calling through the speakers.

"Alright" you said and placed the book you were reading on the coffee table.

You walked across the living room, and down the stairs, and, finally, entered the lab.

When you opened the door, you found Tony hunched over the work table, screwdriver in hand, trying to keep the thing he was working on in place.

"Finally. Did you got lost on your way here?! Otherwise I don't imagine why it took you so long" he sapped when he saw you,"Get here and hold this" he ordered, pointing to the large piece of metal that was laying on the table.

You nodded and walked towards the table, on the opposite side, facing him, and held the piece of metal still.

He cleared his throat and began working again. You reluctantly looked at his eyes, now red from the Reality Stone's control, remembering how much fun you had with him in the lab before the mind control. 

Before, the lab seemed so comfy and welcoming, but now it seemed to be cold and frightening. The room itself seemed to change, just like Tony did.

You faintly smiled at the memories, and looked at Tony, who was still focusing on work.

"This reminds me of the times when we actually had fun here" you said almost mentally absent.

You expected him to stop working and to tell you to shut up, or something else, but, to your surprise, Tony only hummed and said nothing else, his facial expression was the same, but his eyes twinkled, which gave you some courage to say more.

"Do you... do you remember when we almost burned the lab?... and you almost caught up on fire... and I helped you" you said quietly, a small smile playing on your lips.

Tony always laughed at that thing, making jokes like :'Now we know I'm that hot that I caught on fire' or things like that.

"Yeah" he said quietly, and you saw the faintest smile on his lips, and you gathered courage to continue.


A/N: This was a saved draft I have. I got this idea a while ago, and I thought I should publish it. What do you guys think? Should I continue?

Oh, by the way, for those who requested, I will get to work Friday and publish them right away, since I don't really have time right now.

Word count: 850

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