Smoke - Tony Stark x reader

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You were in the worst mood ever

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You were in the worst mood ever. You and Tony had the ugliest fight that ever occurred between the two of you.

So much words of hatred and pure anger and jealousy flew between the two of you, so bad that you had to take your stuff and leave.

In the heat of the argument, there was a moment where you could've sworn you saw anger and jealousy boil in his veins. He was so angry that he seemed an entirely different person.

It was too painful to stay in the Tower at a time like that, there were too many things that awoken memories, plus Tony's presence wasn't quite beneficial for you, so you preferred to go back to your old apartment, even if the Avengers begged you to stay.

You didn't know if Tony was suffering as much as you did, you didn't know if the breakup hurt him as much as it hurt you, you didn't know if he was even thinking about you, or if he already forgot about you...

3 weeks passed ever since, but every night you forcefully fell asleep, and woke up feeling nauseous. You were thinking about him, and about everything that was between the two of you all of these years. 

You've dedicated everything you had to him for 5 years, you've been there at his darkest, you've been with him when he was still rising Stark Industries from the ashes and you worked equally with him. Yet, when you were at your darkest, he sometimes tended to leave you alone, just because he didn't know how to react at that, but you planted your feet and steadied your ground on his side, never leaving him.

Yet, that awful thing had to come between the two of you and tore everything apart... How did you left that happen?


You woke up for work, as usual with the awful nausea that churned your stomach. After you took a pill to get rid of the feeling, you had breakfast and coffee, then out of habit, you lit a cigarette, trying to make all the stress leave you.

Yeah, well, when things started to creak between you and Tony, 6 months ago, you picked up a bad habit. Smoking. 

You knew it destroyed your organism, you pretty much knew the consequences too, but honestly, you couldn't care less, since it had that calming effect on you, it was all you wanted.

You threw the remaining in the ash tray and headed to your room to get dressed. 

After you were dressed, you took your keys, your bag and your jacket, and headed outside, in the awful rain, towards your car.

Hah, it seemed that the weather was as bad as your mood, 'cause it was raining rivers and the skies were occasionally animated by a striking lightning and a rolling, distant thunder.

As you pulled the car on the road, you had the tendency to light another cigarette, but you held it back, knowing that as soon as you'll arrive at work, it will disappear.

After an hour of infernal traffic and idiot drivers honking the fuck out of their cars, you finally arrived at work.

You worked for an architecture company, the one that helped build the Stark Tower, he newly named Avengers Tower. That's how you met Tony, he wanted somebody to help him retouch the building on the inside, somebody to help him decorate it.

That's why the tower's so stylish, you worked nonstop at that project for 2 months, to make it look classy, yet modern, with the technology smoothly blended in.

As you walked in the elevator, you bumped in Olivia, your best friend and colleague.

"Good morning" the redhead smiled gently when she saw you, but her smile dropped on the floor when she saw your expression.

"Oh, you're thinking about that again?" she asked, furrowing her eyebrows in concern.

"Yeah" you nodded as a bitter sigh left your lips.

"Come on, I'll make you some coffee" she smiled and dragged you by the hand towards her office.

Whenever you were feeling blue, she used to make that delicious coffee for you, offering you some chocolate as well.

After a few minutes, a steaming cup of coffee was set in front of you, along with a box of your favorite chocolate.

"Now, come on, tell me what's up" she said as she sat down in front of you, her eyes searching yours.

"Thanks Liv, but I think I'll just get to work. Thanks for the coffee" you said as you took the cup and headed to your own office, shutting the door after you.


It was already 4 pm, and the rain continued to pour outside, even worse than in the morning.

You sighed as you finished the report you had to write, and emailed it to your boss. You were feeling stressed, so again, you reached in your bag and dragged out the pack of cigarettes.

Since you had a few minutes free, you thought that you could've take a break and just have a smoke. After you pondered the idea some time, you decided it's the best thing.

"Ah, fuck it" you muttered as you tightly grabbed the pack and headed outside.

Once outside, you quickly took out a cigarette and lighted it, feeling the tiniest gram of stress beginning to leave your body.

But, your brain had to be an asshole and leap into the grim memories of that specific night.


"So, did you fuck him?" Tony asked, this time quietly, folding his arms over his chest and standing in front of you.

By that time, there were pieces of broken glass all over the floor. Tony even hurt his hand while breaking the mirror with his bare fist, but he couldn't care less, it was all engulfed by the heat of the boiling anger.

"Of course not! Tony, nothing happened between me and Mark! I told you that 6000 times!" you replied.

"Then why did I see you humping him on the footage?! What was that?! Do you think I'm stupid?!" he retorted, his face red with anger.

"Yes, you are stupid! That woman wasn't me! I left after he began making inappropriate jokes!" you yelled back

"Bullshit! You're lying! All those years! Everything was lie, you don't even love me! How could you?! I provided you with everything you want, I offered you my fucking heart on a plate and I risked my own fucking life for you! And you go around fucking that random bastard!" he yelled as he slammed his hand over a vase, sending it flying across the room and shattering in the wall.


I was just another fling to you? Just another idiot with his love on a plate?

I love you with all my heart, I wanted a family with you!

I don't want to see you again.

Tony's words rang in your ears as you took one last smoke of your cigarette and sat up, then you threw the butt in a puddle, heading inside the building again, leaving behind you the memories, along with the smoke.


A/N:I love having cameos in chapters. I feel like Stan Lee. Also, I have no idea where this came from, but I hope you liked it! I feel like this one is a little rough and cringy...

Love, Liv

Word count: 1218

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