Many reasons- Peter Highman x reader

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''You idiot! I'll kill you!" Peter yelled and tackled Ethan to the ground, punching him in the face.

"Stop! Wait a second!" Ethan yelled back and Peter stopped.


"That woman is going to jump, don't you see?" Ethan asked, pointing somewhere to the left.

"Is this a trick?"

"No!" Ethan yelled.

Peter reluctantly turned his head to where Ethan was pointing, and saw a y/h/c headed woman on the very edge, ready to jump.

He scrambled to his feet and ran towards the woman, who didn't seem to notice him.

You were looking down, trying to gather as much courage as you needed to jump.

"Stop! You don't want to do that!" Peter said, stopping and walking closely to the you.

"Why not? I have no reason to be here anyway" you managed to choke between tears.

"Yes you do! You have many reasons to be alive. Please, just don't do that" Peter tried and took a step closer to you.

You were on a steep part, one step away from death.

"Why would I listen to you? I don't even know who you are" you sniffed

"My name is Peter. What about you?"

"I'm Y/N"

"Y/N... I know what you are dealing with... I've been in the same situation... I just found out that my wife, the only woman I ever loved cheated on me with my best friend and she's pregnant with his baby, the Mexico police is searching me all over the place, and I'm on my way to LA with an idiot who spent all my money on drugs and that's having a dog who knows how to masturbate! If I have reasons to be alive, you certainly have reasons too!" Peter said and extended his hand towards you , nodding, trying to show that you can trust him.

''Look, whatever you're saying, I won't change my decision!" you said, looking down towards the abyss.

"Do you have a family?" Peter asked, taking one more step closer to you.

"Yes" you nodded.

"Y/N, I know that in this moment you don't care, and you want to jump, but what about them? What would they do without you? What about your life? Think about all the moments that are waiting for you, just around the corner. You are young and beautiful, think about the life that is waiting for you after this stage. It's just a passing moment, okay? Everything will go away, time will make everything disappear. Just don't do that Y/N" he said, looking at you with big brown eyes.

"Come on... you don't want to do that" he said, offering you his hand again.

You looked from him to the abyss and gulped, then back at him.

"Come on Y/N. Give me your hand and let's get back to our lives together" he said

You nodded, finally making up your mind, and placed your hand in his, and he helped you get back on steady ground.

"Thank you" you sad and hugged him.

The man just saved your life, you were forever thankful.

"No problem. Hey, is that your car?" he asked, pointing toward your cherry red Audi R8.


"Where are you heading to?"


"Hey... can you take us with you?" he asked

"Of course. Take your friend and let's go"


"Firstly, I think you may want to get rid of that car. It's evidence for your Mexico crimes" you smiled and walked toward your car.

Peter watched you go, then turned to Ethan, who watched everything smiling.

"Who's the gal?" Ethan asked.

"She's Y/N, ans she'll drive us home. Now get your fucking dog and let's go" Peter spat, still nervous at Ethan.

"Oooh, I feel something in the air" Ethan smirked, childishly 

"Yeah, it's the smell of your fucking brain melting!" Peter yelled

He and Ethan pushed the car in the canyon and walked back to your car.

Peter sat in the passenger's seat, and Ethan sat in the backseat with his dog, Sunny.

"Hi, I'm Ethan" Ethan said smiling and extending his hand towards you.

"Hi Ethan. I'm Y/N" you smiled.

"You sure you can drive?" Peter asked, looking at you.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Let's go" you said and pressed the gas.

And, the three of you began your adventure back to LA. You and Peter didn't knew what the future brought for each one of you, nor that you had a future together. Funny how life can be, right? Two strangers, in the same place, at the same moment, who's destinies intertwined.

The End.


A/N: This was a request from @Stormy3187. I don't really like how it turned out, and I'm sorry for that. It's a total cringe.

Word count: 806

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