9 - The Sickest Thing That Has Ever Happened In My Life

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Jungkook's POV

After taking an abrupt cold shower, I went downstairs and joined the rest of the pack, and of course, with Areum too. The zoo in my stomach started to rave along Areum's mellifluous laughter as I took my seat between Namjoon and her.

"Kookie, marinara or carbonara?" Seokjin popped his head out from the kitchen with a pot held in his arms.

"Marinara please." I replied and he nodded briefly before returning back to his workplace.

"Areum-ah," I turned my attention towards the girl sitting next to me when Jimin hollered her from the opposite side. "you like meatballs right?"

"Yes!" Ah Reum chirped happily, making Jimin smile while scooping his meatballs to her. "Thank you, Jiminnie."

I felt a pang of jealousy taking over me that instant, but like I said before, I promised to be good.

"Why do you call Jimin hyung Jiminnie instead of oppa?" I asked her, and got a few nods from the table too.

"I've been wondering the same thing since the first day I met her too." Jimin yelped in pain when Areum kicked him on the shin under the table.

"I don't know. It feels weird to call him oppa." Areum gave us a weird smile before dismissing us by waving her hands around. "Eat guys, eat."

I chuckled and thanked Seokjin when he passed me my food. My stomach growled hungrily at the sight of the mouthwatering pasta placed in front of me.

"You sure that's enough for you to eat?" Areum teased as I put a mouthful of pasta into my mouth.

I shook my head. "Who says I'd be full after one plate? We all eat at least two plates to be really full."

Areum gasped while looking at the hyungs. "Seriously?"

"Yeah. We eat a lot." Namjoon gladly enlightened her, and we laughed when Areum looked at us in awe.

"This is why I cook so much, Areum-ah." Seokjin added as he sat down at the empty seat next to Taehyung, opposite Namjoon.

"You're amazing, Seokjin oppa." Areum complimented with two thumbs up. "I'll help you next time!"

"Next time?" Taehyung asked with excitement. "You'll be back again?"

"Of course, I guess if you guys want me to. You guys are so fun to be with, I don't see why not." Areum beamed radiantly, and I gulped at the sight. I growled silently when I saw some of my hyungs snicker at me.

After lunch, I took Areum to the backyard, like what Namjoon hyung had suggested. I chuckled when I saw her scanning the area with her mouth slightly ajar. If I were her, I would probably react the same.

Our pack house had a huge lawn that spanned across the entire area, for us to run freely whenever we decide to shift, and had a small forest that lined along a crystal lake that was always reflecting either the sun or the moonlight shone on it.

It was early winter now though, so it must be pretty cold for Areum to be out here in the open, with the strong breeze blown from the lake.

"Are you cold?" I asked her, and she nodded in response. "Do you want to go in?"

"Nah. I would like to admire this beauty a little more before we return inside." She smiled breathtakingly, and I copied her facial movement.

I pulled her beanie down slightly so that it covered her ears. She didn't flinch like how she always did, so I gave myself a brownie point at that achievement.

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