6 - A Nerdy but Artsy Potato

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Areum's POV

"Why do you look so happy?" Jimin whispered from the side as quietly as possible, not wanting to let our lecturer catch us talking in class.

"I got a new pair of glasses!" I whispered back while pointing at Jungkook's glasses. It felt a little weird for me to be wearing his glasses but, who was I to complain since I really needed a new pair.

"They looked a little old though. It this a new fashion trend?" He asked again, but just when I was about to reply him, our lecturer threw his chalk towards us, and hit Jimin's forehead directly.

"Stop talking or get out of my class!" Our lecturer bellowed.

"Sorry sir." Jimin apologized and I did the same too.

After shooting us an annoyed glance, he returned his attention towards the board and continued to explain about his lecture. Our coursemates snickered at us and we simply gave them sheepish smiles as a return.

"Your glasses resembled Jungkook's though." He pointed out after some time.

"It is his." I said matter-of-factly with my eyes still focused on the messy handwriting of our lecturer on the board.

"What?" I turned to him and frowned at his shocked face.

"We met this morning and it just happened that way. I'll be returning him his glasses when I get myself a new pair."

"Okay..." Jimin nodded and resumed his attention towards the board.

As soon as the class ended, my stomach grumbled loudly, making Jimin laugh with my cheeks flushed red.

"Someone's hungry." He teased, and I nodded sheepishly as we headed out of the class together.

"Areum!" A voice chirped in the hallway, and it belonged to none other than Jeon Jungkook, of course. We waited for him to reach us and after exhaling a deep sigh, he greeted us. "Annyeong Jimin hyung, Areum."

"Why are you here? Aren't you in the performing arts faculty?" Jimin asked, his eyebrows raising upwards as he spoke.

"I am, but I'm here to see Areum." He grinned at me, but I simply quirked my eyebrows at him.

"Why?" I questioned.

"Do I need a valid reason to see the girl I like?" Jungkook fired back, and to my dismay I actually blushed at his words.

Damn you, Jeon Jungkook.

"Stop being ridiculous, Jungkook." I darted my eyes away before glancing at the boy I was talking to again. "Seriously though, why are you here? Your faculty is at the next building."

Jungkook smiled lopsidedly at me. "To bring you out for a lunch. I know you're hungry, miss."

"But I was just about to go grab something to eat with Jimin."

"It's okay, you two go. I'll look for Yejin and eat with her." He nodded as an assurance at me before leaving the two of us alone after bidding us goodbye.

"Do you have afternoon classes after this?" Jungkook asked as we walked side by side towards the entrance of the building. I shivered the moment the icy breeze hit my face.

"N-nope." I stammered while putting the hood of my hoodie up and tightened the strings, not wanting to let the air hit my sensitive ears.

Then, to my flummox, Jungkook pulled me into a side hug, causing me to look up at him with my eyes widened. He was pretending not to notice my stare by looking at the other students walking along the other side of the pavement.

"You're really warm, for some reason." I wanted to cuddle onto him more but was afraid that he would get the wrong idea.

"I told you, I'll always be your personal heater if you ever feel cold." Jungkook chuckled, and I felt his laughter vibrate throughout his body.

"Your cheesiness is getting out of hand." I playfully rolled my eyes, but smiled when he grinned at me, a dimple shyly popping up on his left cheek.

"You have a dimple!" I exclaimed excitedly, since I really envied people who were blessed with dimples, unlike me.

"Yeah. You like dimples?" He asked while fishing out his car key and pressed on the unlock button. I gasped when a shiny black sports car reacted to the remote control.

"I feel so inadequate compared to you." I muttered while glancing down at my own outfit, feeling insecure and small of a sudden.

He was about to open the passenger door for me but stopped when he heard my honest words. "What do you mean?"

Jungkook was wearing branded clothings - a gray Puma hoodie, ripped jeans and a pair of Timberland boots, while I was wearing a random hoodie I got from a random store I normally shop at, the one and only heat-tech leggings I owned and my overly-worn sneakers that had been fixed twice with glue by myself.

He had a nice and flashy car, while I had none and depended on public transports.

"Why do you like me, Jungkook?" I questioned him, my head lifting up and my eyes gazing into his dark brown orbs that turned into a bright yellow when he registered my question. Confused, I blinked my eyes to ensure that I wasn't imagining things, and scolded myself for being an idiot when I saw his dark brown orbs again.

"I like you just the way you are, Areum. Just like your name." Jungkook answered while taking a step towards me, his eyes gazing intensely into mine. "You're so pretty-"

I cut him off. "How am I pretty? I look twenty-four slash seven like a nerdy but artsy potato."

"That's exactly what I like about you." Jungkook chuckled. "You don't realize how cute you truly are."

"But you're so rich, and you're handsome too-"

It was Jungkook's turn to cut me off. "You think I'm handsome?"

"Psch." I blushed at my own mistake. "That wasn't the main point. You see, I don't get why you're willing to drop your title as the 'playboy' just for a mundane girl like me. I'm so awkward, average; but you on the other hand, has everything and is good at literally everything! So, why me?"

"I wonder that myself too, Areum. When I first saw you, I didn't really bother to spare you another glance, no offence-" Jungkook paused, waiting for me to give him the permission to continue.

"None taken." I said.

"-but I was just intrigued to you somehow. Something about you draws me to you, and I realize I fall for you deeper every single day. I blamed myself for being a playboy before getting to know you. I was so stupid. Ask my hyungs, they will tell you the same thing."

"Don't you think that I'm some sort of a burden to you? I mean, I don't dress as nicely as the other girls in the uni do. Don't you feel embarrassed when you hang out with me?"

Jungkook groaned, his hand messing up his originally nicely styled hair. "How must I put it for you to understand that I like you no matter how you look, Areum? I don't care if you're dressed in a pyjamas or in designer clothes, I just like the way you are. I like you for you being you, Areum."

Startled, I glanced up at him while gulping a moutful of saliva.

Holy crap Jungkook's actually being serious about his feelings towards me!

"I-" I pushed his glasses that was perched on top of my nose as I frantically looked for something to say.

"Don't say anything else, just allow me to bring you out for a simple lunch date. Okay?" Jungkook was gazing at me with a sincere smile, so I nodded as a reply. "Great, get into the car now. Your stomach has been growling for more than five times now."

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