13 - Stay With Me

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Areum's POV

I felt as if I had been hit by a truck when I woke up.

Stirring a little, I heard voices erupting from somewhere near where I was, and the voices sounded really angry. It was as if someone's head was going to get blown off by the shouts exchanged between the voices.

"Guys! Areum is awake!" I heard a male voice shout, and the quarrelling immediately stopped, and was followed by a series of footsteps heading my way.

"Areum-ah, how are you feeling?" I rubbed my eyes before opening them, and saw seven faces glancing down at me.

"Sick." I replied with a short answer, and gulped down the water someone had passed me.

"Can you sit up? Do you need more rest?" I squinted my eyes open at Seokjin who was carrying a tray of water in a metal bowl, and shook my head at him.

"Thank you for taking care of me." I smiled weakly as I sat up straighter, my vision getting clearer each second. "What happened?"

"You got kidnapped, Areum." It was Jungkook who spoke. I glanced up at him, and saw that he was looking down back at me with a poker face.

"I'm sorry for leaving your side." Jimin apologized with his head hung low, and I quickly shook my head at him.

"It's not your fault that you got dragged away." I patted his head, and he returned me a small smile.

"Areum." Jungkook called again, making me look at him. I felt so small with his intimidating stare glancing down at me. "You're lucky that Taehyung hyung and Hoseok hyung were there in time to save you. Something bad could have happened if they weren't there. What did I tell you to not go anywhere alone?"

I didn't know why, but I was slowly getting upset at his overprotective attitude. "Then am I supposed to lock the door even when my sunbae asks me to unlock it just so he could retrieve his bag? It wasn't my fault that the kidnappers knew when to act!"

"But look what happened just because of your kindness towards your sunbae?! Why don't you understand that you've to be protected at all times, Areum!" Jungkook fired back with a loud voice, and that was the first time for me to see him upset and mad.

Tears welled in my eyes, and after sniffing to prevent my snort to come out, I ran out of the living room and exited the house, hiding myself at the backyard, on the small porch, in this icy weather.

I cried, feeling guilty and irritated. Tears couldn't stop streaming down my face, and I sobbed silently when I thought about Jungkook raising his voice at me. I knew that I was partly at fault, but he didn't have to do that!

It scared me.

As I hid my face under my crossed arms placed on my knees, I heard the door creak opened, followed by footsteps before stopping next to me.

"Yah." A voice that I rarely heard spoke, making me peek at him with tears-filled eyes.

It was Yoongi.

"Go away." I childishly said, but it just made him smile a little.

"I know you're upset, and I don't know why they chose me to come and comfort you, but-" he paused momentarily while hugging me from the side, his warmth heating my cold body up, "- just know that Jungkook is acting like that because he truly cares about you."

"I know he does." I sniffed, and he gave me a weird look.

"Then why are you crying?"

"I got scared when he raised his voice at me. And I was partly at fault for what had happened." I explained.

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