1 - The International Playboy

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Areum's POV

"Oh my God I'm so sorry!" I apologized hastily as I hurried my footsteps away from the couple making out in the store room where I was trying to get my art supplies.


Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh-

"Go Areum?"


Upon getting called, I started to run with all my might, my face flushed from the energy I was using and the embarrassing moment I just ruined and witnessed.

"Wait up! Stop running!" I pretended not to hear his words, and turned a corner before hiding myself behind an artificial plant that was huge enough to hide myself in.

"Please don't find me, please don't find me." I chanted the words repeatedly like a spell with my fingers crossed while squeezing my eyes shut in my hiding spot.

"Found ya."

"Shit you." I blurted, and instantly muffled my mouth with my hands, eyes widen at what I had just blurted out.

"Shit me? That's very vulgar, Go Areum." He said before letting his mellifluous chuckles erupt from his mouth.

Finally standing up, I glared at Jungkook who was giving me an amused look. "Why did you have to chase after me?! Just let me be and you should have continued with your make out session with whoever that girl is!"

"Are you jealous?" Jungkook raised an eyebrow at me, and I returned him with the same action, only with my arms folded in front of my chest too.

"In your dreams, playboy." I narrowed my eyes at him before storming away.

"See you in my dreams then!" I heard him laugh before walking away.

Damn you, Jeon Jungkook!

Now, you might be wondering why on earth would we know each other right? I mean- he's a popular guy in our university, known as the 'international playboy' or something, and I'm just a little nobody who paints for her life.

I would be glad to tell you my story.

It all started from one fine day, when I was casually strolling in the streets of Hongdae with my earphones plugged in, and I was busy singing the lyrics of the song that was being played when Jeon freaking Jungkook suddenly appeared and grabbed my right arm.

I was shocked, needless to say, so I stared at him with my eyes widen to the size of a saucepan, and yanked him off when my conscience finally returned back to my brain.

I knew he was bad news, as he was infamous for being a playboy in our school. I'm not boasting or anything but I didn't want to be his next target or something.

I had to stay away from him.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you or anything. I-I just had to check something." He said after realizing that I was eyeing him weirdly.

"Okay." I had coldly replied, before leaving the awkward bubble we were both stuck in.

To my annoyance, he actually had the audacity to follow me around. I got so irritated at one point, so I confronted him with the fiercest look I could manage.

"Ya! Why are you following me around? Don't you have a life?"

"I'm just ensuring that you're safe."

"Safe from what? I can protect myself perfectly fine, mister."

And without waiting for his reply, I took my leave and made sure to disappear in the crowd.

After that incident, he would always sneak up or somehow appear right in front of me in the campus, always casually saying 'Oh! What a coincidence!' when we meet.

And I would always ignore him by walking away after rolling my eyes at him.

But today, it was different. It was my first time witnessing his acts as a playboy just because I had chosen the right time to get the art supplies from the store room.

Groaning, I massaged my temples while heading back to my class. My friend - Yejin stopped working on her sketch the moment she saw me storming in, probably with a dark cloud looming over my head too as I did.

"What's wrong?" Yejin asked as she placed her pencils down.

"I have to use bleach to wash my eyes, Yejin-ah! I just witnessed Jeon Jungkook making out with a girl in our art supplies store room!" I whined while plopping down onto my seat.

"That Jungkook guy is seriously so weird, why does he even keep popping up around you?" Jimin, my other best friend slash coursemate, said while poking his head out behind the easel that was blocking him from looking at us.

"I know right?! He's so annoying." I grunted while pushing my glasses up my nose bridge. "By the way, I think I have to get a new pair of glasses. It doesn't fit me." I said while scrunching my nose, as the glasses was making my nose itch.

"You look cute whenever you scrunch your nose." Jimin complimented, his signature eye smile evident, making both Yejin and I laugh and coo at his cuteness.

"Aww, says the cutest one among us three." Yejin stood up from her seat and went to pinch Jimin's cheeks.

"Our mochi is so cuteeee!" I clapped my hands in exaggeration before pinching his cheeks too, causing my guy friend to groan in irritation as he swatted our hands away.

"Ya ya ya! Who gave you girls the permission to touch me? My cheeks are reserved for my princess only!" He glared at us, but we weren't fazed by the slightest bit.

"Which princess? I don't think I can see a single one of them in our Jiminnie's future." Yejin squinted her eyes as she pretended to be a clairvoyant, her index fingers tapping her chin as she eyed Jimin with her eyebrows furrowed.

"I don't see any guys in your future too, except me that is." Jimin wriggled his eyebrows at Yejin, making me laugh when she flicked his forehead roughly.

"I don't consider you a guy, F.Y.I." Yejin dramatically flipped her shoulder length hair with an eye roll as she spoke.

"Oh really? I can be manly as hell if I want to, Yejin-ah. Do you want to see my abs? They're very tasty-looking." Jimin smirked as he lifted the hem of his oversized white tee up slowly.

"Don't lift your shirt up, pervert!" I screamed with my eyes closed and Yejin did the same too.

"You're gonna regret not looking at this fine piece of art, girls. You sure you don't wanna take a peak at it? Hmm?" He continued to tease, and burst out laughing in the end when he saw our flushed faces. "You girls are actually blushing! How cute! Who's the man here now, hmm?"

"Idiot." I took a peek when Yejin insulted and whacked the back of his head.

"You girls like it, don't deny it. I-" Jimin suddenly stopped speaking, his smiling face took an abrupt change as it shifted into a serious look, his eyebrows scrunched together and his lips in a scowl.

"What's wrong?" I asked while glancing at him sniffing the air weirdly.

"Why do you keep sniffing the air? You do know these art materials are toxic as heck right?" Yejin added, and I nodded my head in agreement.

Jimin opened his eyes finally and stared at the entrance to our room with a cold stare. "We have a guest."

"Who?" I questioned, and felt myself shiver when our guest spoke.

"It's me, and I have to talk to you, Areum."

Jeon Jungkook.

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