He chuckled lightly at my response before saying, "Would you want to hang with me for a bit tonight?" When I looked up questioningly to his eyes, and he continued. "I'd hate to think that you're spending your entire night in anxiety, so come on! It'll take your mind off things."

He was right, it'd probably be good for me to get out of the apartment. Otherwise I'm just going to spend my entire night overcome with restlessness. Besides, what do I have to lose?

"Alright, I'm in," I caved, and Gavin's grin broadened.

"Great!" On his notepad, he scribbled something down before tearing out the sheet and handing it to me. "Meet me here at seven tonight. You won't regret it."


"You are so dumb," Elise bluntly told me as I finished up my bowl of Top Ramen and put it in the sink.

I rolled my eyes, "I'm not dumb, would you shut up already?"

"Fine, you're not dumb. You're just dense."

I crinkled my nose, "That's pretty much the same thing."

"So? It's true! You wouldn't know a guy is into you even if they had it written on their forehead in Sharpie."

"Gavin is not interested in me," I pointed out for the umpteenth time this evening. Elise is dead set that Gavin likes me in a romantic sense. Pish posh, we're just friends.

"He so is!"

"Elise," I groaned, just wishing she would stop so I could finish getting ready in peace.

She held up her hands to surrender, but not without a smirk. "Fine, just be prepared for an I-told-you-so when you tell about how he made a move tonight."

I shook my head yet again at her antics and slipped on my black sandals. "I'll see you later tonight," I called to her as I left out the door with my small black purse. The door closed in the middle of her sarcastic remark.

Taking a taxi, I gave the driver the address on the note Gavin gave me. Traffic was pretty clustered, as per usual, but I left early enough that I arrived on time to the location. Punctuality has always been a strong suit of mine.

Saying a quick thank you to the driver upon arrival, I slid out of the cab and let my heels clank against the ground ever so slightly. Looking around amongst the relatively tall buildings, I noticed a little cafe in front of me, appearing to be at the base of an apartment building or something.

I widened my eyes upon realization of what is was.

"No. Freaking. Way."

"I thought you'd like it," A familiar voice sounded behind me, causing my head to snap around to meet Gavin. He was dressed what I like to call fancy casual, a nice button down shirt with cargo shorts. Though I'm typically an avid fan of suits, ties, and other things of that nature, I very much appreciate the way Gavin looked in the button down shirt. His scruffed face sported a genuine smile, and I had my own as my excitement had peaked when I realized where I was.

"Frick yeah I do! But how did you—"

"You've mentioned Friends several times over the course of the time I've known you, and there's also been dozens references just in your daily lingo. I thought this would be the perfect time to introduce you to my favorite coffee shop in all of New York City."

All I could do at first was shake my head incredulously. I don't know why this had affected me so much, but the feeling of standing here was surreal. I didn't even know this place existed, and I've lived here almost five whole years.

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