Day V Hour14

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The day went as usual. The bell screams to leave the school. Of course, I had to stay. I went to my locker, and when I opened it, there was sticky notes all over the inside of my locker. They made a shape of a heart. I glanced at them. "Have the most, super, fantastic day!" It was signed by Pearl and Marina. I smile, grabbing by school bag as walking to the student council room. There was a paper on the board. I walked over to examine it. It read, "There is no after school meeting, so you four can leave". I sighed in annoyance, and exited out of the council room. I walked out of the school building, small groups surrounded the stair entrances. When I was walking down the stairs, I saw a figure not too far. It looked just like... Callie? I pushed people out of the way, and ran towards the figure. I didn't stop, my feet didn't ever stop either. She would of texted me if she was out, but since I broke her phone, I had to know. Without looking both ways crossing the street I ran, but a hand grabbed me back. I didn't turn around, I had to get to Callie. I pull myself out of the hand and ran across. I still followed the figure. I was arm length away, I touched her shoulder. I blinked and, it wasn't Callie. It was an orange inkling girl. She gave me a weird stare, but she also looked star struck. I backed up. "I'm sorry... wrong person," my voice croaked and ran off in embarrassment. She watched me run off. I kept running, I didn't know where I was going.

I stopped by a tree. My knees collapsed to the floor, my tears blinded me. My hands slowly held my head. I stared at my feet. The dark closed in on me, drowning me, and nobody will save me. My heart raced like it was exploding a million times a second. My eyes slowly and tightly closed. My breaths were really short. More tears stormed down my cheek. The guilt and regret consumed me and left me here to rot. I wish someone would save me. When I pleaded, there was a grip on my shoulder. It was Marina, Pearl behind her. Marina pulled me into a tight hug, I sobbed into her shoulder for a while. I don't know why I lost all of it, but it felt nice to let it all out. I heard Pearl talk to someone, she was yelling at them to get lost. I rose my head and looked at Pearl with runny nose and eyes. I wipe my tears with my sleeve. "You done crying? Everyone is still staring," Pearl said, in a nicer voice. I nod slowly. "Lets go somewhere different, tell us why you broke down crying, ok?" Marina said getting up. She held her hand in front of me and pulled me up to my feet.

We walked to an ice cream parlor. Marina really loves ice cream, it explains why we were here. I ordered mint chocolate chip wilt vanilla too. Marina got a huge sundae, and Pearl got a banana split with a big cherry on top. We sat around a small round table with cute vintage chairs. "See? Ice cream freezes your pain," Marina smiles. I didn't say anything. "So, tell us. Why were you by the tree having a melt down?" Pearl asks seriously. "I had this... well I thought I saw Callie in the streets. When I finally went closer, it was someone really random. I ran off by that tree, just loosing it all," I said, I then take another bite of my ice cream. They were speechless.

We really didn't talk about that much after.

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