Chapter 48 Back to Duel Academy And the threat

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Yugioh Gx opening

Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard,

Finding trouble, never looking too hard

Well back at class, they never taught us this,

Some things you gotta learn, hit or miss

Tough times, hard climbs

We'll take em on together

Right now, Let's go!

Yu-Gi-Oh GX, Generation NeXt!

Game on, Get your game on

Come on ya better play your cards right.

Game on, Get your game on

We'll make the grade and win this fight.

We'll make the grade somehow.



Game on, get your game on

Come on ya better play your cards right.

Come on and get your game on!

We were on the plan to take us back to Duel Academy. I am so so so happy you guys are coming with us this year. I gushed to TK Cody and Yolei. Yolei giggles. So am I! I can't wait to duel! Yolei gushes. My two female best friends here together amazing! I gushed. Girls. TK mumbles. What was that!? I shrieked. N N N Nothing! TK whimpers. I smiled and turned to Kari. Hey, where are our dumb boyfriends? I asked. Now that you mention it I haven't seen them since we got on the place. Kari said. My phone rings. Yo! Lily here! I said through the phone. WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU OVERSLEPT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JADEN YUKI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHEN YOU GET TO THE SCHOOL I AM!!! You are what?! You aren't coming!? ANNOYED BY ME!? WELL FINE! IF I AM SO ANNOYING THEN WE ARE OVER!! Good? You mean that? Too late. You said how you really feel. I I I I. GOODBYE JADEN YUKI! I hung out on him crying. Kari. Yolei. I said raspily. We walk into the girl's bathroom. What happened Lily? Yolei asked worriedly. Jaden and I broke up. I sobbed. Kari warps her arms around me. I didn't mean it! I didn't mean to say that! I love him so much I would die! I sobbed. We can't be over! We just can't! I sobbed. We make it to the Academy. Kari and I walk to Slifer Red Dorm. I look at a picture of me and Jaden. I sobbed quietly. It's been three weeks and Jaden's hasn't talked to me. I am not the same. I am not the same person I normally am. I want Jaden back. I need my bluejay. I cry quietly. Lily, please. Come on out the room. Kari pleads with me. O Okay. I said. I take and shower and walk out of the room. Yolei smiles at me. Now, don't you worry about a thing honey. You will get your boy back. If it is the last thing I do. Yolei said determinedly. Four weeks later. Lily Jaden is waiting for you at the beach. Kari said. I nodded. I watch to the beach. I feel someone watching me. I turn around. Who's there! Show yourself! I shouted. I then heard an evil laugh. Hello, Child of Miracles. The man laughs. W Who are you!? I glared. Oh, don't you remember me? He smirks evil. YOU! WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH ME!? I glared. It's quite simple. Your powers. He smirks evil. H H H Hey! Let me go! I cried as I felt the powers of Miracles drain from my body. Help someone help. Anyone help. I said raspily. Tai pov Me and Matt were walking to the beach. Jaden was freaking out because he couldn't find Lily anywhere. I am worried, Tai. Matt said. I know. Lily's never done this because. She's always with him or Kari. I am worried. I said worriedly. We stopped at the beach. Still no sign of her. Matt said. Help. A raspily said. Someone help. Anyone help. The voice said. I turn to Matt. That sounded like Lily! Let's go! I rush off with Matt behind me. We found her with someone. Lily! Matt and I shouted. Don't move or the girl gets it. The guy smirks. T T Tai-Senpai Matt-Senpai help! She chokes. The mark of Miracles comes on her forehead. Ah! The light! He groans. He then left in thin air. Lily coughs for air. Why is he after you? I asked as Matt picked her up. I have no idea. I swear. She coughs. We believe you. Matt said rubbing her back. When we made it back to the Academy we saw Jesse trying to clam down a worried and freaked out Jaden. Lily ran out of Matt's arms and ran to Jaden. It's okay. See. I'm... Lily then faints in Jaden's arms. What happened!? Jaden asked freaking out. Someone is after the powers of Miracles. I said looking at Yugi. Yugi clenches his fists. Why is it always my daughter? Yugi growls. Lily weakly opens her eyes. It is a man. But. Lily then fainted again. Joey signs. I saw Blue hair. Blair. I thought. Why is it always Lily-Senpai-Chan? Blair asked no one. Why is it always the mother of my children? Jaden hisses. And knowing Lily. Kari trails off. Kari, do you know something? I narrow my eyes. Tai think about it. Wherever there is evil Lily will try to fight it on her own. Kari explains. She is not going to. She has us to help her. Yolei said. And we won't let her Kari. TK said. We've been with her since the beginning. Tk told Kari. You're right. And I won't let her fight him alone. Kari said determined in her eyes. Third person pov Lily opens her eyes seeing Jaden staring down at her. So. That fight never happened. Lily smiles sweetly. What fight? Jaden asked with a wink. Lily giggles placing her hand on his cheek. Lily pulls back and kisses Jaden sweetly. After about 4 minutes the couple had to pull apart for air. Lily warps her arms around his neck. I lov... Lily froze. What? What's wrong? Jaden asked worriedly. Jaden I think I'm going into Labor. Lily whispers horrified. But we're not due until next month. Jaden said worriedly. AH! DAD! MUM! KARI! CRAP!! SHIT, THIS HURTS! Lily cried. What's the matter, sweetheart? Yugi asked. What's the matter? WHAT'S THE MATTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lily yells at Yugi. I THINK I AM IN LABOR!!!!!! AND YOU ASK ME WHAT THE MATTER WITH ME!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!! WHAT KIND OF FATHER ARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lily yells at Yugi. Jesse hides behind Yusei. Sweetheart. Yusei starts. Lily turns her cold deathly glare on him. YOU SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!! Lily yells at Yusei. Atem looked amused because Lily never yelled at Yusei. AND YOU! Lily rounds on Atem. Atem jumped back scared of his niece. Pregnant woman are scary. Tai shivers to Matt. Mana checks Lily out. Dear, it was a false alarm. Mana told Lily. Lily then remembers what she said and turns red in embarrassed. Excuse me! The younger Muto runs out in embarrassed of what she said before. Kari nods at TK and the Child of Light and Child of Hope run after the embarrassed Child of Miracles. They found their best friend with her head in her hands cursing up a storm in embarrassed. Hey, it's alright. Tk said sitting next to her warping an arm around her shoulder. Yeah right. I totally told my dad I hated him. Lily scoffed. Hey. You couldn't help it. You're pregnant. And the angry will come out at times. When I was pregnant I said I hated Tai. Kari said trying to make Lily feel better. Really? Lily asked. Yup. Kari chuckles. Ready to go back? Tk asked. The Child of Miracles smiled. Thanks, guys. Lily smiles. What are best friends for. Tk grins. The Child of Light and Child of Miracles giggled. The Child of Hope holds out his arms for the girls. The Child of Light and Child of Miracles link arms with the Child of Hope and walk back together. The Child of Miracles runs up to Yugi and apologizes when hugging her dad tightly. Yugi only smiles and hugs her back saying it is normal for a pregnant woman to lose their temper. I love you, dad. The Child of Miracles says smiling. I love you too Lily. Yugi smiles. Lily then turns to Yusei. Uncle. It's alright sweetheart. Yusei smiles at Lily. Lily smiles then turned to Atem. Uncle. Now I am going to stop you right there. Atem said trying not to laugh. You couldn't help it. And I am not mad. Atem smiles at her. I mean how could I be mad at my sweet niece. Atem cooed. Lily looked up at Yugi trying not to roll her eyes. Yugi only smiles fondly at her. This is why you will never be the favorite. Lily smirks at Atem. Yusei had a smirk on his face. Well, you are my favorite. Atem pouts. Where does that leave me!? Jesse pouts. You're my favorite. Joey told him. Sweetness! Jesse grins. Do you remember when Lily first brought V-Mon home? Joey smiled. Atem and Yusei snickered. Yugi had a heart attack! Atem laughs. Really! I need to know this! You never told me this! Kari giggles. I forgot. Busy stuff yo. Lily jokes. Tk cracked up. Please tell the story. Jaden whines holding onto Lily's hand. Lily giggles loudly. Let me catch my breath for a minute. Lily giggles. O O Okay it was like this. Lily giggles. Flashback. Okay, Demiveemon be quiet and. Hi dear! Yugi said. AH! Lily shouted. AH! Demiveemon shouted. Yugi looked at the blue Digimon and faints. Dad? DAD! Wake up! Lily smacks him across the face with Demiveemon on her shoulder. Is he going to be okay Lily? Demiveemon asked. Yugi woke up. What is that thing!? Yugi yelps. Uncle Yusei Jesse Aunt Luna Atem and Joey came in the house. Dad, you remember Tai-Senpai and Kari having their own Digimon. Lily gulps. Yugi pulled a hand on his heart. Don't tell me. Yugi whimpers. I'm the leader of the second generation of The DigiDestined. Lily said nervously. Yugi looked at his wife then daughter. Yugi fainted. Well, that went will. Lily says. Demiveemon giggles. You are in so much trouble Demiveemon. Lily hisses. What are you going to do? She asked. No chocolate for a month. Lily said. She gasps in horror. LILY NO! She whines. Then behave. Lily warns. Yes, Lily. Demiveemon said. That's my girl. Lily smiles. Yugi wakes up. Dad? Daddy? Lily pouts cutely. Just be careful Lily. Yugi signs. She has me! Demiveemon grins. A warning don't come between a dragon and her chocolate. Lily warns. I am not that bad! Demiveemon pouts at her partner. Lily raises her eyebrows. Not bad. Please. Lily scoffs. Joey giggles at her daughter and Digimon. I can live without chocolate! Demiveemon protests. Oh, you can? Lily says in surprise. Yes! Demiveemon glares at her. Prove it. Lily smirks. Come on Lily. I was kidding. Please. Don't take my chocolate away. Deiveemon pouts. Don't eat like a pig then. Lily smirks. LILY! Demiveemon pouts. Lily picks her up in her arms. Later that night. Lily Yugi and Joey were eating. Demiveemon jumps on Lily's lap. Yugi chuckles as Lily sneaks some food to Demiveemon. Goodnight. Lily says and walks away with Demiveemon upstairs. To Lily and Demiveemon. Lily and Demivemmon take a bath and when to bed. Lily was sleeping holding Demiveemon. Joey and Yugi come to check on them. Joey smiles at the sight. Yugi smiles fondly at the sight. Demiveemon then snores loudly. The next day. Lily meets up with Kari and Tk. Lily tells Kari and Tk how Yugi and Demiveemon met. Kari giggles at how Demiveemon is. Tk sweat drops. Gatomon shakes her head at her best friend smiling. Lily smiles petting Gatomon on the head. Gatomon purrs. Kari giggles. Patamon laughed at that. Without Patamon knowing Demiveemon blushes. Lily Gatomon and Kari raise their eyebrows smirking. What? Tk and Patamon asked. Oh, just that Demiveemon likes. Demiveemon covers Lily's mouth. Nothing! Demiveemon smiles. Patamon blushes. Oh, what is this? Tk smirks at Patamon. Tk. Shut up. Patamon pouts. You like Demiveemon. Tk smiles. Yeah. Patamon blushes. End of flashback. And that is how Patamon and V-Mon got together. Lily grins at Tk. Yeah, Patamon had like the biggest crush on V-Mon. Tk chuckled. Just like how you first liked Lily and Lily had a little crush on you. Kari smirks. KARI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lily and Tk shouted beaming red. You liked me!? The Child of Hope and Child of Miracles shouted at each other. Jaden crossed his arms pouting in jealousy of Lily liking someone else besides him. Jesse was laughing at his cousin. I can't believe you liked me! The Child of Hope and Child of Miracles laughed together. Jaden throws a fit. The Child of Miracles turns to the Child of Darkness rolling her eyes. I only love you, baby. The Child of Miracles giggled. The Child of Darkness grins and wraps his arms around the Child of Miracles tightly. She giggles something in the Child of Darkness ear. The Child of Darkness smiles and kissed her passionately. The Child of Miracles wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed back. OI! Stop sucking face! The Child of Destiny groans. The Child of Darkness and Child of Miracles ignored him and kissed more. The Child of Destiny groans loudly. The Child of Darkness and Child of Miracles broke apart for air. I love you. The Child of Miracles giggles. I love you too. The Child of Darkness chuckles.

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