Chapter 29 Prom Dresses and Prom night and First time

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Lily pov I look at the board.. What are you looking at Lily? Kari asked. Well next week is prom. I said. And I already have the tickets. I said. Your dad. Kari said. Pretty much. Jaden said he would leave this up to me. But he is gonna bring the romantic stuff. I said. Lily... Kari sweat drops. Don't worry! I have Jesse and Gohan helping him! I clam her down. Thank god. Kari signs. Wanna go dress shopping with me and mum? I asked. Sure! Kari said. Dad had to come with us. Kari and I look at dresses. What about this one? I asked as I come out wearing a white dress with flowers with red on it. Dad widened his eyes. HELL NO! GO TAKE THAT OFF! Dad barks. I walk back and take off the first one and put on the blue one with sparkles. I come out. What about this one? I ask as I push some of my hair out of my face. I like it. But it's not you. Kari admits. She's right sweetheart. Mum says. I walk back in to try on the third dress. It was pink and sparkly. I take a deep breath. I walk out. That is pretty! Kari squeals. So pretty. Mum smiles. Too pink.. Too much pink. I shake. I run back to change. I look at the two Pieces dress and put it on. It had a lot of sparkly. I walk out. I come out. Whoa... Kari said. Double whoa. Mum said. Third whoa. Dad said. Well. Kari said. I winked at her. This is the dress. I winked. Yes! Kari giggles. I take out my phone. Kar come here. I said. Kari stands next to me as we take a picture. I send it to Gohan. Don't show Jaden this Gohan. I want him to be surprised. Promise me you will keep this a secret. I texted Gohan. I got a text back from Gohan. Hot damn you look hot! But don't worry I won't tell your ~Boyfriend~ Gohan texts back teasing. I own you one Gohan! I texted him back. Nah. Gohan texts. My turn! Kari said and she goes in to try on her dresses. She comes out wearing a Sparkly Mermaid pink without no sleeves. That is your dress Kari! It fits you! I examined. It does doesn't it. Kari smiles. To the Prom. Kari and I were getting ready. I was putting on the finishing touch's of our makeup. And we look hot as hell. I winked. We walk out of our room. WHOA!!! Jaden grips his chest. I winked at Kari and strut off with a seductive look and a following Jaden behind me. I turn around to Jaden. Jaden I am ready tonight. I whisper in his ear. Jaden looked at me. You're serious.. Jaden stammered. I smile seductive. Of course I am... But you will not rip this dress. This did not come cheap. I warned. I understand. Jaden grunts. A slow song comes on. I take his hand and walk to the dance floor. I lock my arms around Jaden's neck. We start dancing to the music. I lead my head on his forehead. Jaden lead in to kiss me. I close my eyes kissing his back. Look at that! The Queen and King of Slifer making out! The DJ shouts. We just ignored him and kept kissing. Keep kissing like that and you'll end up having sex. Jesse jokes. Kari scoffs at him. At else I'll get something. Jaden smirked as we broke apart. Jesse looks at me surprised. You're not joking!? You're gonna do it tonight!? Jesse shrieks. I made Jaden wait long a enough. I smiled. I'm ready.. I want to lost my Virginity to Jaden. I smiled. The whole night we were dancing hanging out with Kari and Jesse. One more dance before we end to night! The DJ shouts. Kari pulls me off to the dance floor. I laughed as we start dancing. Kari and I always been the crazy due when it is to dances and proms. Kari spins me around. I giggled doing the same. Look at them! Jesse laughs at us. Shut up! I saw you and Jaden dancing! I shouted over the music. I look at the time. It is 10:00 pm. Wanna go back to the dorm? I asked. Yeah... Kari said with a wink. I giggled. Don't have to much fun now. Kari winks at me as her and Jesse walk in our room. Same for you! I giggled. Oh believe me I know! Kari laughs. I giggled and follow Jaden in the boys dorm. So.. I have no idea how to do this. Jaden said laughing. Hey It's okay. We are new to this. I said conforting him. I take off my dress and throw it to the ground. Whoa! You went all out to turn me on! Jaden whistles. I crawl on his lap. Kari said it would be awkward the first time. I said. Funny you say that. Jesse said the same thing. Jaden chuckles. Lest talk more kiss. I said smirking. Your words not mine. Jaden smirked. Jaden pushes me down on the bed. I move my neck so he has more of a view. J J Jaden. I moaned loudly. Mm... I moaned as Jaden kissed me roughly. I flipped us over when we were still kissing. Mm.. Jaden... Shirt.. I moaned. Jaden sat up taking his shirt off and throwing it to the side of the room. I run my hands down his abs. Jaden grunts. I'm not that little girl anymore am I. I smirked. I then got thrown down on the bed. Oh baby you were never a little girl to begin with. And with your body it's me ready to bellow. The King of Slifer said darkly. Did you just say that from the song big girl now from Lady Gaga! I giggled. Maybe I did. The King of Slifer smirks. Well then get to it. Daddy.. I smirked up at him. You didn't just go there. Jaden growls. Yes I did. What are you gonna do about it.. I smirked. Oh baby you are gonna wish you never said that. Jaden growls sexy. Mm.. Jaden... I moaned loudly. Kiss me Jaden. I moaned. Oh my Ra! Jaden! I moaned. Ready? Jaden asked. Aw he is so sweet! I cooed. As long as it is with you. Then yes I'm ready. I smiled. I winced in pain as Jaden enters me. A few tears fell down my face. Jaden whips them away. It will be over soon baby. Jaden said. Y Y Y You can move now. I huffed. Jaden started to thrust in and out of me. I winced in pain still. Wait a few minutes. I said in pain. Jaden stopped and just stared down at me. What? I asked. You look so beautiful. Jaden said cheekily. You cheekily boy! I giggled. Now you can move. I said. J J J J Jaden... I moaned loudly.. Keep doing that. I moaned. Jaden keeps thrusting inside of me. GA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JADEN HARDER YOU DUMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I shouted at him. You asked for it. Jaden growls sexy. GA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JADEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH RA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FASTER YOU DUMMY FASTER!!!!!!!!!!! I screamed. GA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JADEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I shouted in pleasure. I felt a tightness in my stomach. J J Jaden I can't hold..... I whimpered. Hold it. Jaden growls darkly. Excuse me!? I shrieked. You heard me. Jaden growls sexy. I try to hold on as hard as I can. Let go now. Jaden growls sexy. I let out a scream in pleasure as I released. My eyelashes almost close. I try to keep my eyes open. Jaden let out a low growl and releases inside of me. I fall back on his bed. Who knew you were wild in bed. Jaden said cheekily. Me? I scoffed. You were the wild one growling and saying sexy stuff to me. I giggled. Yeah I guess so. Jaden rubs his neck smiling sheepishly. Kari is gonna want to know everything to tomorrow. I giggled. Jaden smirked. What? I asked. I deflowered you. Jaden smirks. Wait I deflowered you. Jaden whimpers. We wanted to have sex.. Why are you acting like this? I asked. Tai and Matt. Jaden whimpers. Leave my SenPai's to me. I smile hugging him. Uh.. Lily if you don't stop. I am going to take you again. Jaden growls. I winked seductive. Oh you are gonna get it! Jaden growls and thrusts inside of me again. Aw... I moaned loudly. Jaden fuck me already! I snapped. You asked and you shall receive. Jaden growls going faster and harder. I just lay there and moan as Jaden does all the work. J J Jaden... I moaned and released. Jaden released a second time. I curl up in his arms tried. Lets cuddle for awhile. I yawned. Alright. Jaden chuckles. What were you like as a kid? Jaden asked. Wild and free. I joke tried. I stood up to bully's and kicked them where the sun didn't shine. I smirked at the memory. You had to be there. I smirked. Kari got picked on one time. I was with my dad. Tai wasn't with her. It was after their time in the Digital world and before they took me to the Digital world . I said playing with his fingers. Really. So you were a badass. Jaden smirks. I guess you can call me that. I giggled. I had a flashback. When Kari and I were 8. I was holding my daddy's hand walking and talking happily about mum birthday. Kari can come to right daddy? I asked giggly. Of course she can. She is your best friend. Daddy smiles. Mummy is gonna be so surprised! And I didn't even say a word at all this week! Like you asked me too! I said giggling. I know. And I am so proud of you for that. Daddy smiles. Daddy can we go look at Duel Monster cards? I asked begging. Yes we can go add more to your deck. Daddy laughs. I heard someone crying. Daddy do you hear that? I asked. I then listen again. KARI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I KNOW THAT CRY ANYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I run off where Kari is. LILY!!!!!!!!! Daddy shouts running after me. I found the bully's and Kari. Hey you meanie heads! Leave my best friend alone or else! I snapped running up to them and standing in front of Kari protective. L L L Lily.. Kari stammers. Don't worry They won't hurt you as long as I am here. I glared at the bully's. Kari stars at me with admire in her eyes. My best friend is my hero. Kari thinks staring at me. KARI!!!!!! I heard Tai yell. LILY!!!! I heard daddy yell. What's a kid like you gonna do to us. The boss Leader Bully sneers. I clenched my fists in angry. Shut up. I snarled. What was that. The bully's taunted me. SHUT YOUR TRAPS OR I WILL KILL YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I snapped. Don't you ever think about touching Kari again! I will hurt you! That is a promise of a lifetime! I shouted. She will make a great Leader to the Digidestined's when she gets older. Tai smiles fondly at me protecting Kari. Never mess with my sister again. Or there will be hell got it. I said deathly. Matt would like Lily. Tai smiles. My daughter is like her mother. Daddy smiles. Wait she said Hell! Daddy fumes. Well I well let it go this time. Daddy smiles. Never I mean never hurt my precious ones I love! I snapped holding Kari in my arms. Now get lost. I said darkly. No... The boss said smirking. Tai take Kari! I shouted. Tai takes his sister then I punched the boss in the face causing a fight to break out. I panted as I glared down at the boss as his sidekicks were knocked out. Never hurt my loved ones again. I said wiping the blood off of my mouth. Lily... Kari said in tears. At least you are okay. I smiled then fainted. LILY!!!!! Daddy shouted. 3 hours later. I open my eyes to see I was in Uncle Yusei and Aunt Luna's house. Well I heard what happened. Way to go cuz! Jesse cheered. No not way to go Jesse. Your cousin got in a fight. Uncle Yusei said stern. Aw but dad! You buzz kill! Jesse pouts. I giggled. Yes! You giggled! Jesse shouts. Lily? Kari stands in front of the door with Tai. LILY! Kari wails and runs over to me pushing Jesse out of the way. Hey! Jesse complains. I was so worried. I though you won't wake up. Kari sobs holding my hand. Hey.. Nothing can keep me away from your friendship. I am a Wheeler and a Muto. We are fighters. I smiled. Lily... I cut Tai off. Don't worry about it Tai-SenPai Kari is my best friend. She is the sister I always wanted. I love her dearly. I would never let anything happen to her. I promise. It's a promise of a lifetime. I said. You got that from Naruto. Jesse complains. I glare at him. Shut up Jessie. I hiss. Lets give her some rest. I want to talk to my niece alone. Uncle Yusei said. Jesse Kari and Tai walk out. Are we alone? Uncle Yusei asked. Yup. I said. Good! I don't know how much longer I had to put up that act! Uncle Yusei grins. I giggled. This is why you are my favorite! I giggled. Uncle Yusei smirks at that. Fastforward to Ken being the Digimon Emperor. W W What? I said horrified. That's right Lily Muto. I am the Digimon Emperor. Ken smirks. I was in too much shock and felt betrayed by Ken. The team came. Lily! Kari said. The shock finally got to me and I fall in Kari's arms crying. It was Ken! Ken is the Digimon Emperor! I cried. What!? Everyone shouted. It's true! V-Mon examined. I I I I... I fainted. Lily! Kari shouted. Three hours later. I was laying on someone's knee. I open my eyes. J J J Jesse. I said raspy. Kari just told me. Are you okay? Jesse asked me. I really wanted to be his friend Jesse. I really did. I said sniveling. I know you did. Jesse said as we cuddled. I saw mum dad Uncle Yusei Aunt Luna and Uncle Atem Mana. Hey baby how are you feeling? Mum asks. I groaned. Don't ask. I groaned. End of flashback. Mm? I asked. I was calling your name baby. Where were you just know? Jaden asked. Memory's. I smiled. Lets go to bed yeah. I smiled. Sure. I'm beat! Jaden laughs. I would think so. I giggle. I fall asleep listening to Jaden snoring loudly.

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