Chapter 9 End of the year and DigiWorld

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Third pov Can you believe it is the end of the week before we go back home for this summer. Tai said. A whole summer with out Jaden.... Nice going Tai! Kari scolds him. A dark cloud was over Lily's head as she was sulking. Matt whacks him over the head hard then warps his arms around Lily comforting. Matt knows how much Lily loves Jaden. Unlike Tai Matt backed off of her love life. A whole summer without him... Lily sulks. See what you did! Kari glares at her brother. Well I'll try to make the best of it with him this week... Lily smiles weakly. Hey guys! Can you believe it is the... Kari punched Gohan in the face before he upsets Lily and she starts to sulk again. OUCH! Kari what was that for! Gohan glares. Lily sulks. WELL THANK YOU GOHAN! YOU GOT HER TO START SULKING AGAIN! Kari growls. A whole summer without Jaden... Lily sulks. Hey it well be okay.... Gohan said. Oh it well. Lily glares at him. Gohan shivers. At else she is glaring. Kari smiles. Sorry we're late! Jesse said with Jaden behind him. Lily then fakes a smile. Oh no. She is faking a smile. That is not good. She is going to crack. Kari through worried for her best friend. Can you guys believe it is the end of the week before we have to go home for the summer. Jesse signs warping an arm around Kari. Kari hits him in the head. W What was that for! Jesse whispers rubbing his head. Kari looks over at her sulking best friend. Luckily Jaden hasn't seen it yet. Oh... Jesse said. Yeah oh. Kari said. Try and watch what you say around her. Lily is having a hard time about leaving next week. A whole summer without her boyfriend. Well Jesse and I have to do something see you girls later. Jaden said kissing Lily's cheek and running off with Jesse. Lily signs sadly. Kari... Lily said. Come on. Kari said. The girls walk off. Next week comes fast. Well I'll see you next year Lily. Gohan grins. Videl scolds. Oh give her a hug Gohan! Videl smacks him. Did I say I love Videl. Lily smiles. Lily was pulled in a son hug. G G G G Gohan can't breath here! Lily stammers. Gohan let her go. What is it with you Sons to make me lose air. Lily says playful. See you later guys! Gohan said as he files off with Videl. Lily saw that they were back in Odaiba. Lily signs. She remembers when Jaden kissed her goodbye when they dropped him off. Jaden... Lily sulks. Kari places a hand on her shoulder. Come on I bet our friends missed us. Kari said with a smile. Lily and Kari walked off of the plane with Tai and Matt. What is going on? Lily said confused. We all saw how saw you were dear and we brought something for you. Joey said with a smile. Oh... Lily sulks. I never knew you missed me that much! A laughing voice said. That voice... J Jaden! But when huh how... She stutters. And the best part of it is.. I'm moving here! Jaden grins. What? Kari pinch me.. Lily said. OUCH! Lily said rubbing her arm. Lily throws her arms around his neck. Was I that easy to read? Lily asked. You were. I noticed it right away. I didn't say anything. Jaden said. Come met my friends. Lily pulls Jaden off. Kari Jesse come on! Lily howls. Coming! They followed the couple. Yugi I'm impressed you didn't even say anything when Lily kissed Jaden. Atem said. As much as I hate it she is happy with him. Yugi said. Her happiness is one of the things I care most in the world. Yugi said. Too the couples. Hey guys! Lily called. LILY KARI!! YOUR BACK! TK grinned. Missed us that much TA.. Lily teases. Are you... Lily glares at Yoiel. Back off he is mine... Lily growls. WOW! TK said grinning. Yeah back off Yoiel he is with Lily! I got them together! Stay away from them! Kari growls. Wow girls got claws! TK laughs. Both girls glares at TK. Why don't you tell Davis how you feel about her already. Lily scoffed. Yeah watching you pining after her is painfully enough. Kari states. I do not pin after her! TK blushes. Both girls rise their eyebrows. Not pining after her. You almost kissed her when we had that dance when we were 12! Lily shouts at TK. It worked for us. It could work for you. Kari and Lily said. Just tell her. Kari said. What break in a song. TK said sarcastically. Lily glares at TK with fire in her eyes. You tell or I will. Lily threatens. And it won't be pretty. Lily threatens. Look there she is go now. Lily pushes TK. What!? I can't! TK blushes. Lily signs getting up. NO! I'll go! TK said stopping Lily. Lily smiled watching one of her best friends go tell his crush how he feels. Lily Kari Jesse and Jaden leave. Lily's eyes widened in horror. HID US!! Lily squeals hiding behind her boyfriend. Jesse sees the fanboys. Your kidding me. Jesse groans. What? Jaden asked. Those boys are Lily's and Kari's number one fan club.. Jesse groans. Don't we know it! Both best friends groaned. DigiWorld. Lily grins at Kari. DigiWorld. Kari agrees. Lily stands in front of her father's computer. Ready boys? Lily winks. Lily! Jesse glares. He wants a Digimon like his cousin. Hey dad! I'm taking Jaden and Jesse to the DigiWorld for their Digimon! Lily calls. Be back before dinner! Joey calls. Yes mom! Lily calls. Kari is coming with me! So tell Tai she is find! Lily said. Alright baby! Yugi called from downstairs. ready? Lily asked. Yeah! Jaden said with sparkling eyes. Lily giggles. Here we go! The music sang. Digport open! Lily said smiling. Lily when first with V-Mon smiling. Then Kari and Gatomon Then Jesse and finally Jaden. The trio find them self's in Primary Village. Aw more cute baby Digimon! Lily cooed holding one to her face. Kari was doing the same thing. Jaden.. A voice called his name. Jaden.. The voice calls. Jaden walks over to the yellow egg with hearts. Jaden picked it up. The egg cracks open. I've been waiting a long time for you Jaden. My name is Viximon. Viximon said. WE'RE NOT THE ONLY GIRLS IN THE GROUP ANYMORE! V-Mon and Gatomon cheered. Lily and Kari giggle at their digimon. Viximon digivolve too.. Renamon! Jesse.. A voice said. Jesse turns around. This is.. I'm Terriermon! Terriermon grins at his partner. Momentai. Terriermon grins at Jesse. Oh go Momentai yourself! Jesse said annoyed. Lily Kari and Jaden laughed. Oh shut up! Jesse said annoyed. How funny. Your digimon annoys you! Lily giggles. Shut up! Jesse growls. Momentai Jessie. Terriermon jumps on his head. Silly thing aren't you. Jesse chuckles. THING!? Terriermon gaps over dramatic. Oh how I love him! He is perfect for you! His cousin giggles. And you are? Terriermon asks the yellow spike hair and purple girl. Lily Muto nice too met ya pal! Lily grins. Ready to go back home? Lily winks. You are such a flirt. Jaden laughs. Lily bites her bottom lip. Fake tears well in her eyes. Jesse and Kari laughed. Pay Jaden's soul. He unleash the deathly puppy dog eyes. Only god can save him now. Jesse laughed as fake tears start to fall from his cousin's eyes and down her cheeks. I I I. DON'T CRY! Jaden freaks. Lily then giggles. Gotcha baby. Lily giggles. Why you. Jaden chuckles starts tickling Lily's side. Ah! Jaden! I give! I'm Sorry! Please stop! Lily giggles. I think not. Jaden smirks kissing her. Lily moans quiet. MOMENTAI! Terriermon giggles. Lily pulls away from a pouting and flushed face Jaden. Digiport open! Lily said. They when back threw the computer. We're back dad and we brought some friends! Lily calls. Momentai! Terriermon said. Oh go momentai yourself! Jesse said annoyed. Yusei can't help but laugh at his son. Hey it's a email from Izzy... Lily said. What does it say dear? Joey said. Come to the computer room in the high school. It is an emergency! Lily read the email. Hey Lily your computer is going off. Jesse said. Give it here Jessie. Lily said. Lily opens her laptop. Lily's eyes widened and she pales. KARI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lily shouts. Look at this.. Lily pales. Kari looks at Lily's laptop. Diaboromon! Kari pales. I though we got rid of him... Lily shakes. So did I.. Kari shakes. We better go! We'll get something on the way or later! Lily said almost out of the door with Kari. Boys. Joey signs. Jaden and Jesse follow the girls. Digimon follow them too. Digi Digi. Izzy said. Mon Mon. Lily said walking in the room with Kari Jesse and Jaden and their digimon. What's going on? Lily asked. Diaboromon wants revenge. Matt said. Mimi and Sora aren't back from camp yet? Lily said worried. No.. Tai said with a worried look. What are we going to do? Kari asked. Matt and I are going back inside the Internet. Tai starts. Lily jumps out of her seat. I'll go with you! Lily said. Kari turns to her with a worried look. Thanks Lily. But you are needed here take care of the Kuramon. Tai said ruffing her hair. Lily looks up at him with one eye closed. But Tai-SenPai.. Lily said unsure. Alright be careful.. Lily pleads. He as me with him. Matt ruffs her hair. Lily lets out a sign. Lets go then. Lily turns to Kari. Partners. Lily smiles. Partners. Kari smiles. Lets go. Lily said determined. With that the pairs run off to find the Kuramon. It was Lily Kari Jaden Jesse and Their digimon. Please give it to us... Lily and Kari ask sweetly. We won't bite. V-Mon and Gatomon smiles. You have your own! The little girl pouts. Okay listen. This is for the good of the world! Diaboromon is back! Lily said. Kari grabs the Kuramon. They were on a train. Wait don't answer your phones! Lily said as more Kuramon came out. V-Headbutt! V-Mon said attacking a Kuramon. V-Mon why did you attack the Kuramon! Lily examined. It looked at me weird! V-Mon defends herself. At else we got all the Kuramon Lily. Kari said with a smile. Yeah but Izzy won't be happy about it. Lily signs. YO! Lily here! Lily said on her phone. Why did you attack the Kuramon! Never mind that come back to the school! Izzy said. The trio runs back to the school. Mm... I can't take this anymore. Kari TK! Lets go inside of the Internet! Lily said. Are you sure? Kari asks. Yeah. Lily said. Here use my password. Jaden said. Lily Yuki... Jaden... Lily giggles. Kari giggles. Alright we're on! Lily said. Okay now guys be careful! Izzy said. V-Mon Digivolve too.. Lady XV-Mon! Lily jumps on her shoulder. Gatomon digivolve too.. Angewmon! Kari jumps on her shoulder. Patamon digivolve too.. Angemon! TK jumps on his shoulder. Oh Lady XV-Mon how much more longer do we have? Lily asks worried. Almost there! Angewmon said. Thank you Angewmon. Lily said. No problem Lily. Angewmon said. There! Lady XV-Mon said. TAI! Lily and Kari said at the same time. MATT! TK said. LILY KARI! TK! Tai and Matt said in surprise. After they fight Diaboromon in the internet they when back to the real world.. Now the real fight begins. Can the Digidestined's win against Diaboromon.

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