Chapter 8 Calling all the monsters

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Lily pov Mimi Sora! Me and Kari smiled hugging them. Missed us. They giggled. Of course! We giggled. Guess what!? I grinned. What!? They giggled. We have boyfriends! I giggled. Oh my! That is great! They smiled. Jaden's my boyfriend when Kari is dating Jesse. I winked at Kari. It's Halloween today.. That's why we have costumes. Mimi winks. I saw my costume. Dark Magician Girl. Kari's was Harpie Lady. I put on my costume. Wow! I look hot! I said. But I look hotter! Kari winks. Hey! I laughed. We look at Mimi and Sora. Whoa! Can't wait to see Matt-SenPai and Tai-SenPai faces when they see you guys! I winked. We walk out of our room. Whoa!! Jaden examined staring at me. What am I too sexy for you... I laughed. Not at all. Jaden purrs warping his arms around me. Down boy! I laughed. Wow... Jesse said. Wow is all you got to say. Kari teases. No no and no! Tai examined. We walk to class. I then noticed every guy eyeing me. I shivered and hid behind Matt and Tai. Matt gives them his death glare when Tai threatens them. So are you doing your song today? Kari whispers. I smiled. Yes I am. I smiled at Kari. You can sing? Gohan asked. Videl rolls her eyes at him. Oh how I love Her! I smiled. Yes I can sing you idiot. I roll my eyes. Since when? He asked. Since I sang with The Teenage Wolves. I said rolling my eyes at him. She is really good! Kari smiles. You will be surprised Gohan. Kari smiles. Half way in Class. Now I have a surprise for you guys. My daughter is going to sing a song since it is Halloween! Dad said smiling.

Gohan's pov I wonder how this is going to turn out. I mumble. Gohan she is your childhood friend! Have more faith in her! Videl glares at me. I winced. Videl and Lily get along well. I wonder sometimes if they are sisters. I think.

Callin' all the



Callin all the

( x2)

Callin' all the


Ah yeah aye


( X3)

Yeah eh

Heart thumps

and you Jump

Comin down with


You dare

to go there

I'ma I'ma

get you

so scared!

We're wantin'






y-you stayed

in too late

To be

getting afraid

This scene


I-I-I I'ma

get you

so scared!









get your body

Lily Muto x Jaden YukiWhere stories live. Discover now