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It was a rough night from work

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It was a rough night from work. Customers were rude, impatient, and could care less about the books I would describe to them. I thought working in a book store would be quiet, but it seemed it got louder each hour I worked there. And that was just my first job of the day.

At night, I was the person that closed the famous Seoul Art Gallery. I was the one that gave special tours to potential buyers since I knew so much about the paintings. But the night was slow and I soon got off around 11 after dealing with rich people that decided to throw a gala at the gallery.

It was one of those nights where I just decided to sit down on a comfortable bar seat that was across the road from the gallery. I wanted to relax before the bus would pick me up to go to my run down apartment. It was such a disappointment to go to every night, sometimes I wish I could just fall asleep at the gallery instead.

Plus, I had a dog sitting job for the next couple of days. The owner specifically wanted me to stay at their house and would pay me extra. I couldn't refuse the money, online college was expensive.

Three jobs plus school. Sometimes I wondered what it would be like to be those rich young girls that came to the galleries. They didn't have to worry about bosses or price tags. Must be nice.

And even though being rich sounded nice, this expensive guy to my right gave me the creeps. It was obvious that he was looking at me and it made me uncomfortable. Yes, I'd like to be rich, but I'd rather make it their with my own hard work.

It wasn't five minutes till he decided to buy me a drink. The bartender sat one down in front of me and gave a smile, "The man over there said to give this to you, and I quote, 'to the lady who is too beautiful to be in a slummy bar'" The bartender was soft looking, almost like a living mochi that gave free cuddles. He didn't look like he would be working in a bar but rather at a host club.

I raised my brow and gave the guy a look that sat to my right before returning to the bartender. "As much as I appreciate a free drink, I only accept them when the guy is brave enough to at least talk to me first." I gave them both winks and got up to leave, grabbing my purse and pulling out a tip for the bartender.

"Thanks wingman." I put it down on the table towards him and walked out in confidence. I wasn't an easy girl and I knew that. I had an resting bitch face that scared away men from confrontation and whenever they did, I wouldn't make it easy. It's how my life worked, no wonder why I've never had a boyfriend.

"Excuse me miss."

I turned around from walking out of the bar to see the expensive looking man that tried to give me a drink. "Look, I'm not sleeping with you for money, no matter how much you're willing to pay." I breathed out, tired of the constant offers from the galas.

His eyebrow raised over his Gucci sunglasses. I had to admit, he was a visual to look at, even if he was wearing sunglasses this late. A douche bag is what they would call it back in my country. "I just wanted to apologize if I offended you in anyway back there, I thought it would be a good conversation starter." His hands went into his pockets.

I gave a weary look, pondering if I should be nice or keep being stubborn. I chose the second one. "I forgive your apology, nice try by the way but it just isn't how I work. Now, goodnight Mr. Gucci man." I bowed sarcastically and walked away.

Usually, they would get tired of my hard exterior and give up. But Gucci guy wasn't having it. "Gucci man?"

I shook my head with a chuckle, sometimes I just crack myself up. "Yeah, you're whole outfit screams Gucci, are you a model or something?" I decided to give the guy a chance as I stopped walking away and let him catch up. I didn't think he'd be leaving me alone anytime soon.

He lifted his sunglasses from his face and put them backwards so the frames rested the back of his neck. I was right, he was a visual. "You have a good eye, princess." His arrogant smile could stab hearts. But it was a good thing I didn't have one.

"I just work with overly rich people, no need for the compliments." I leaned against the brick wall of the building next to me. It was getting late. Too late to talk to a Tony Stark wannabe. "Feisty. Instead of compliments, I'll give you my number." He started to dig in his pockets and handed me his card.

"Do you just hand out you number like candy?" I gave him a dumb look, not accepting his card. "Actually, this is my personal one that doesn't get in many ladies hands." He crossed his arms challengingly. It was too bad that I didn't feel challenged.

"So you're implying that it gets into men's hands?" I said innocently, giving him a cute blink as his cocky smirk dropped off his sculpted face. "You really know how to get around people." He shook his head. "Yep, and that is what I'm going to do right now."

I gave a goodbye wave of satisfaction and left him speechless

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