Chapter Twenty Five: Two Back Home

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Amanda placed both of her hands in either side of the vampire queen. She focused, closing her eyes before she muttered a word in a language that Jackie only just barely realized. "Lkiekaka!" a burst of magic shot through the room and Jeremy fell back, shaking his head to rid his ears of the ringing noise caused by the ripple in the magic.

Bianca's pitch black eyes flew open and she shot up out of bed, her spine strait up. She gasped for air like she hadn't had any in months. The first thing that she did was turn to the skinwalker that was still leaning against the rickety wooden walls. She made an attempt to get out of the bed and reach for him, but all she managed to do was fall down so that she sat in a lump on the floor. "What the Hades happened to me?" she asked, tears of confusion and a slight bit of anger in her eyes.

"You were possessed by Pixies for a little bit," the Alp said breathily, trying to regain her breath after the massive spell that she had just cast. Bianca nodded and made another move to the skinwalker, but he moved towards her and grabbed her arms.

"Bianca," he said, "it's really you this time."

She nodded. "I think so," she said. The young male Fae was lifted her to her feet and then wrapped her in a quick embrace before letting go. Bianca looked at him as if she had never seen him before.

He blushed. "Sorry," he mumbled, "that was probably inappropriate."

Suddenly she smiled. "Not at all," she said, rushing in and giving him a big hug back. "Thank you."

Amanda stood a few feet away, her eyes flickering between the two Fae as if she were just waiting for something to happen. A small smile tugged at the corner of the Alp's mouth.

Then Bianca looked up at Jeremy with a strange gleam in her raven-colored eyes. "Jeremy, I..." she began, but Jeremy cut her off with a kiss.

Amanda looked as if she were trying hard not to celebrate right then and there.

"Alright, if you two are done, we have two camps full of demigods that need saving. Let's get going," Amanda smiled at her son, giving him a knowing look before grabbing both of their hands. Even through that they both knew that they did not need to complete a full circle for the spell that they were about to cast, the two lovebirds were desperate to cling to each other, as if to make sure that they were real.

"Wait, Mom," Jeremy stopped the Alp just as she pulled them into the shadows, "Won't taking the two of us into the dream realm and then back out kill you?" Jeremy asked, expressing his concerns to his mother. She just smiled before he could say anything else, she chanted a few mumbled words and pulled them into a crumbling, unstable world.

Bianca screamed. Amanda yelled something in German, probably inappropriate. Jeremy could only stare at the horrific scene before him. The ground falling away into nothingness, the sky gone, nothing there but a black void. Amanda grabbed the other two Fae's hands and shouted out a couple of words, and they were out again.

They stumbled into a sand covered world. Amanda coughed for a moment before she began heaving. "Mom!" Jeremy yelled, running over to the magic-drained Alp. She held up her hand and stopped him from walking anywhere before giving him a weak smile.

"I'm fine. Go find the healer to help the camp," she said before she sat down in the rocky sand. The skinwalker felt his face harden before he began to race down the beach. Bianca followed closely after him.

"Jeremy!" she shouted, breathing so hard that her chest was heaving. "Slow down!" the young fae stuttered to a stop and waiting for the all too human vampire to catch up to him. "I think the spell that your mom cast on me work a little too well," she said before smiling, though it looked more like a grimace. Jeremy gave her back a weak smile before heading down the rocky beach at a much slower pace.

"Hello?" a sweet, innocent toned voice called out, grabbing the attention of both Fae. "Are you lost?" she asked, she had a basket filled with rocks and shells propped against her hip. She had hynny gold hair that fell down her back like a waterfall made of sun. Her smile was pleasant and motherly enough to feel welcoming.

"Yes, actually," Jeremy said, he grabbed Bianca's hand and clasped their fingers together lovingly. "My girlfriend and I were traveling with my mom and she passed out, we were looking for some help," he finally explained once they got close enough that he wouldn't have to yell.

The woman tutted and walked around them before she carried on the direction that they had come from. "You should always keep a healers number and ID on you, son of Hecate," she lectured before they ended up at the spot where Amanda lay unconscious. The woman bent down next to her and pulled a few herbs from her bag, she pulled a catine of water from the air and mixed the herbs within it. After it was sufficiently mixed, she poured the concoction into the Alp's mouth.

"A what?" he asked, baffled that the young girl would have handled such a dangerous fairy with such ease.

"A healer's number," she repeated, looking at him as i nodf he was one of the stupidest people on the planet. Jeremy nodded and watched as his mothers color improved and she gasped for air. Amanda sat up and glared at the forest beach surrounding them. "We need to get to the camp, you may have been taking a little too long in finding me," the healer shook her head, saddened eyes gazed at the small party. The Alp stayed quiet and grabbed her son's hand, waiting for him to grab Bianca's and the healer's.

"Are you sure you can do this, Mom?" he asked, worry heavy in his voice.

"Yes," she said in her no nonsense voice. Jeremy seemed to shrink back and he grabbed his girlfriend's hand, letting the vampire grab the healers.

The last flash of bright light and loud pop echoed through the sun bleached trees

Serene blue sky stretched out above them again, bright green grass cool beneath their feet. Amanda whispered, "Safe," before ?collapsing.

Bianca's knees wobbled and she fell to the ground as well, but she was still conscious. She looked shell-shocked and close to tears. Jeremy closed his eyes and took some deep breaths to calm himself.

His mother had only passed out, so he used a bit of Fae magic to lift her up off the ground. He took the vampire princess' pale, slim hand in his own and helped her to her feet.

Looking out in front of him, what the young Skinwalker saw gave him a newfound sense of courage and hope.

"Camp," he whispered, joy filling his chest, "Bianca, we're home."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2018 ⏰

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