Chapter Eleven: Back Home

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"Nia," whispered a hoarse male voice, "When are your brothers going to be home?"

Nia coughed, it sounded hollower than last time, she knew that the disease was eating at her throat and she didn't have much longer. She pushed aside that depressing thought to answer Steve Jerecs, the son of Hermes who was lying next to her.

"Soon, hopefully," she answered, sounding like she had Laryngitis, "We won't last much longer." as if to prove her point, another coughing fit overwhelmed her. The coughs racked her body, hurting her throat. Her limited vision grew hazy, the orange spots of other campers' shirts and lips growing momentarily more vibrant.

"Please get back soon, we already lost Robin," Stardust whispered as she ran over to some of the other campers that were currently puking their guts out. Nia shivered, wishing that she knew if her siblings were back. She wanted to know where they were, she wanted to know if they were safe.

Will came over. Nia only knew it was him because of his non-orange lips and his surgeon's mask around his neck.

"Nia, you feeling okay?" Will asked, "I can give you some more ambrosia if you need it."

"I just want my sister to be okay. And my brothers," she whispered, sitting up on her pillows as she felt tears well up in her eyes.

"They'll be back soon," Will reassured.

Nia nodded and lay her head back on the pillows, allowing her eyes to drift closed. Her body relaxed for a moment.

"That's right," Will murmured, "Get all the rest you can."

He walked away, probably to check on his boyfriend who wasn't eating anything again.

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