Chapter Twenty Four: One Back Home

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Nia sat on her bed in the Hecate cabin, all alone. She was all too aware of her siblings' lack of presence and tried to stay composed, though nobody was there with her.

After Natalie's funeral, Stardust had tried to convince Nia to go back to the infirmary to heal up a little more, but Nia needed to be alone. She was healed anyway, though she was positive no magic would be enough to heal the other sick campers. So she had fled to her cabin.

Now she sat at the edge of her cold, unused bed, staring out the window at the fading light as the day turned to dusk and then to night. As she watched the last bits of pink disappear into navy blue, she felt an unbidden sob build up in her throat. She pushed it back down and stared at her hands, folded in her lap.

For a second she wished she were a daughter of Hades so she could at least visit Natalie, but that was too much to wish for. She told herself she should be glad she had Hecate for a mother, as, without the inherent magic powers, she might be dead herself right now. She certainly wouldn't have been able to sing at her sister's funeral.

A pop sounded from behind her, making the older girl jump. She clutched a hand to her rapid beating heart as she slowly turned around to find what had caused the noise. A sob tumbled from the persons lips, "Liam!" the young male cried out, Nia raced forward, clutching her brother to her in a tight hug.

"You're back," she croaked, tears began to fall down her face as she held her brother. "I was so worried about you."

"I'm glad you're okay too, big sister," the younger child of Hecate sniffled and then grasped at his sister when another wave of tears broke free, this time in relief that he was finally being protected by his big sister. Nia held him and rocked him back and forth, similarly to what she had done when they were both much younger.

"What's wrong?" Nia asked softly, "Why are you crying?" she feared Jackie had already learned, that he already knew the fate of his other sister, but as he answered she knew it was not this. He did not yet know.

"I... I was on a quest thing with a...with a friend. A new friend. A-a special friend. But...but now he's gone."

"Dead?" Nia asked, looking at her brother in alarm.

He looked up at her, tears thick in his eyes. "I don't know," he whispered, "I don't know and I'm scared."

She just held him tighter as he cried.

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