Chapter Nineteen: Watcher

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"Mom?" Jeremy asked, still gazing at the vampire queen, "Is she ever going to wake up?"

"Not until we get those pixies out of her head. But I don't have nearly enough magic to do that. You aren't skilled enough with your magic so we need to find my kappe, are you prepared to go on a little sidequest with me?" she asked with a bright smile, rolling up the sleeves of her blue flannel shirt.

"Of course, but who is going to wait here and make sure that no one tries to kill the Vampire Queen?" Jeremy asked, looking over to where Bianca was sleeping on the inn bed. Her black hair was spread out all along the white pillow, billowing over her pale shoulder. Her translucent skin let both conscious fae see the blue and purple veins that wove all over her body.

"I can call in a friend. You may not like them much, but they should be trustworthy," Amanda sighed, heading out of the door. Her brown hair had fallen out of it's braid long ago, allowing it to swing around her hips. The door shut tightly behind her with a soft sound and Jeremy let out a breath of relief.

"All right," he said, his eyes set on Bianca's spread hair, which reminded him a bit of a flower's shadow. Which might be what Bianca was... depending on your point of view. He sighed and turned back to his mother.

"You can get your friend," he said heavily, "I'll watch her till then."

As the Alp walked out of the room, she muttered under her breath, Jeremy was only able to catch about half of what she said. "...less of a friend and more of an obnoxious roommate..." The door slammed lightly behind her and Jeremy was left with only his unconscious fae friend.

"I'm sorry we had to leave you like that. We didn't know. Can you even hear me, Bianca?" Jeremy asked, as he did so he lay his head on the edge of the bed, allowing tears to slip down his tan cheeks.

She didn't move, but Jeremy thought he detected a hint of a smile on her pale face. He sighed and wiped his tears off his cheeks and settled for waiting, watching for his mother.

What seemed like years later, Jeremy heard his mother's return. "Jeremy," she called, "We're here. Don't be alarmed, okay?"

He looked up and nearly yelled out in surprise. Next to Amanda was a large fox-like creature with two tails and intelligent eyes. The fox thing snarled and transformed into a young woman with dark hair.

Jeremy jumped and shook his head, "Weren't those the things that tried to kill us in the woods?" he shrieked while moving in front of Bianca protectively.

"Her name is Princess Nyamo," Amanda said, moving over to her adoptive son as if to make sure that he was not going to hurt the Kitsune. "That was her people, not her. She's the wife of an old friend of mine. She said that she would help. I trust her."

The Kitsune smirked and folded her arms. "You trust me, huh?" she snorted, "Then what was up with the way you treated me?"

Amanda flushed. "Yeah, well..." she stammered, "Well, it's been a while since we'd been... closet-mates, you know? I wasn't sure if you'd changed..." her voice trailed off as Nyamo laughed derisively and held up a slender finger to stop the Alp from carrying on.

"Go get your tarnkappe, if you see my wife, send her this way," Nyamo said, smiling sadly as the mention of her wife was brought up.

"Are you going to be alright here by yourself?" Amanda asked nervously. Nyamo broke out in a amused chuckle before she shoved the two out of the door.

"I'll just meditate. I have someone I need to talk to," she smiled softly before shutting the door on them, almost forcing the two Fae to continue on with their quest.

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