Chapter Twenty Three: Awaken

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As soon as they had stepped back into the Haven, Liam doubled over in pain, grabbing his head. "Liam?" Jackie questioned, his eyes were wide as he kneeled down next to his friend.

Liam was breathing hard. "I'll be fine Jackie," he said in a tight voice, "Go take Anna over to that nook where your sister was, okay?"

But Jackie would not leave him. He wanted--no, needed-- to know what was wrong with Liam. Then again... if he hurried, he could get back quickly.

Making his decision, the son of Hecate grabbed the Fae's arm and dragged her over to where he knew his little sister would be. She perked up and dragged herself out of the pillows as soon as she heard the footsteps approach her hidey hole. He had no idea what he was doing, but it almost felt natural. Anna was lain down on her back in the pile of pillows and other soft objects before Jackie sent a wave of magic through her, forcing her body to regain consciousness wherever it was. As soon as he did so, his head began to hurt, but he knew that he had to get back to the other male.

Souls from all different people looked up, staring as the colors swirled outside of the large windows, though as opposed to be the normal, calm swirling and mixing, it was now agitated, blending and bouncing off of each other. It was almost too intense for them to look at for more than a few minutes.

Panic began to raise as all of the people began to finally realise what was happening. Jackie was still trying to make his way back to the other male who was still bent over with a headache.

It felt like he was being torn apart. Colors swirled together, making a headache inducing collage like mess. "Liam!" the son of Hecate screamed his voice hoarse among the chorus of shrieking voices. One after another, figures of the sleeping or wandering spirits began to vanish. Black clouds formed around the corners of Jackie's vision. He fought at the pulling sensation his eyelids were emanating. "Liam!" he yelled looking around widely for the beautiful son of Hypnos.

"Jackie!" Liam cried, running to embrace the smaller male, "the Haven is collapsing, but I want you to know that whatever happens, I love you!" when the words escaped his lips, Jackie's eyes flew open.

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