Chapter 33: Happy Ending

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Today is the day. Today is graduation day. The day young people become full blown adults. The day the door to the future opens up. The door Peter is gladly going to open and take Laura with him. Who knew life would end up like this? Peter stood in the bathroom staring at himself. He was giving himself a pep talk. No, he wasn't giving the valedictorian speech. He opted out of that. He was giving himself a pep talk for after graduation with his and Laura's date. It wasn't just some random date. The velvety box that was hidden in his room was the thing making him nervous.

Peter isn't quite proposing to Laura. It's a promise ring until the real engagement. May approved of the idea when it was brought up and that night he went and bought it. He kept telling himself that today will be the best day of his life, which it will. Peter left the bathroom with confidence dripping off of him. As for looks wise, Laura was dripping from her mouth. Something about him dressing up made her go wild. Peter can say the same. Man oh man, if May wasn't there right now he'd take her down like a tiger taking down his prey. Only this time his prey would be making sure the neighbors on the seventh floor would hear her from the fourth.

May takes pictures of the two before hopping into another fancy Audi.

"Hello love birds how's it going?" Tony spoke like an excited dad.

"It's going great. We're ready to open up the new door." Peter spoke with such confidence that Tony was shocked. He was once a shy kid that is now bursting at the seams with confidence. Tony loved it.when they arrived at the school, May and Tony go take a seat as the two lovers made their ways to the locker rooms. Just as they make it down the halls Peter takes a harsh inhale.

"Babe? Everything ok?" Laura faced Peter.

All he did was lift his hand and the tiny hairs were sticking right up. Laura nodded her head for him to go. Someone's life is more important than graduation. Peter took off and Laura went into the locker room. He bolted out of the school after slipping his suit on, swinging away as fast as he could to get the job done aNd get back. Peter was now currently seven blocks away, fighting robbers.

"Come guys! Can we hurry this up? I'm going to be late for graduation." Peter webbed a guy up and somehow they kept coming. "

Wait graduation?" A police officer said.

"Yeah I'm graduating high school." Peter paused, realizing he stupidly answered with high school. The cop shook it off like it was nothing.

"Weird kid." He mumbled. About two more guys and it was done. He checked his phone, 10:15 a.m. and five missed calls from Laura.

"Shit!" He swung off trying to get there before his name is called.

Laura now sat in her seat wait for Peter to show up. Peter was currently running inside the school getting his clothes back on. Her leg started to bounce as she looked around. Just then he came out the door and quickly fixed himself before sneaking his way to the chair next to his love.

"Hey! I'm sorry I'm late." He kissed her cheek. She fixed his tassel and put it to the right. She then cocked an eyebrow.

He leaned into her ear, "Seven blocks away, robbers with alien guns." Laura nodded her head knowing that's not an easy task. They now stood in line to receive their diplomas.

"Peter. Benjamin. Parker." He scrunched his nose at his full name.

It was always something he didn't like. Not because of his uncle, no. He was honored to have the name apart of him. It was the idea of so many years of it being used whenever he got in trouble. Laura chuckled at his reaction because of how cute it was.

"Laura. Marie. Kinney." She gladly took her diploma.

As she walked her eyes locked onto Tony and May. They gave her the thumbs up. Laura tipped her cap to them.

"And now I ask the Class of 2020 to bring their tassels to the left side." All at once they did so. "Congratulations to the Class of 2020. We're proud of you."

The crowd goes wild and caps go flying. Best moment ever. Peter and Laura meet with Tony and May for pictures and hugs afterwards. After maybe the 15th one Peter grew tired so he decided to spice things up. He took Laura and dipped her. She squealed in shock but was quickly cut off by his lips. Tony howled with laughter and clapped. He totally just pulled a Tony. Pictures were finally done and May took their stuff.

"Good luck later." Tony said in a low tone, shaking Peter's hand. Peter nodded in response and headed into the car Tony had waiting for them.

About 20 minutes later they arrive at the restaurant they spent their first date at. Everything is perfect like the last time but this time they're even more in love with each other. Peter couldn't help but admire every bit of her as she laughed, smiled or perked up over something so simple. Laura watched as her gorgeous man would occasionally rub his neck from being nervous or do the chuckle that makes her legs squeeze together in hopes to relieve some tension down there. They can't see a future without each other.

After dinner they went for a small walk in the park. The warm summer air made everything feel like it's from a book or a movie. It was perfect. The two sat on a bench facing the Hudson. Peter let out a noticeable nervous sigh. They looked at each other and Laura gave a questionable look.

"Laura, I'm really nervous as you can tell. I'm not breaking up with you obviously. I'm doing something that could potentially be huge. I'm not going to space or anything but-" He was cut off

"Peter just spit it out. It's going to be ok." She placed a hand on his cheek as he inhaled again, calming his nerves. Without hesitating much he got off the bench and down on one knee.

"Wait you're proposing?" She asked as curiosity takes over.

"I-uh no I'm, I'm not. I've just never done this before. Uh, it's, it's a promise ring. I just didn't know if you go down on one knee or not." Peter's nervous stammer was bad. Laura ushered for him to stand up.

"Yes." She said taking the ring from him and put it on.

"Yes?" His voice cracked.

"Yes as in even if it was an engagement ring I'd still be saying yes." She said as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Peter finally let out a breath of relief he didn't realize he was holding in. Laura leaned up and kissed him. It was probably one of their best kisses yet. Well until his senses went off. He groaned pulling away.

"Babe it's ok. I'll see you at home. Go get'em, Tiger." She winked and he was off.

And just like that, a past story has ended while a new one begins. Funny how love can grow so strong. But it is oh so powerful. But what if this story didn't actually have a happy ending? What if this was just an illusion to distract you from the events to come? This love affair is not over just yet. It will continue. But for now, you'll just have to wait... 

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