Chapter 15: Regret

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It was just your average day at Midtown High, well sort of. A few new things were happening. It feels as if the aura of negative energy is being lifted. At least that's what it felt like to Peter and Laura. Whenever they looked in each other's direction they would blush and smile. This honestly made Peter feel a bit cocky. We all know his track record with girls. His first kiss he nearly passed out. The girl even had to get him to lay down he looked so pale. The first time he ever made out with a girl was playing spin the bottle and it landed on the same girl twice. The rule was seven minutes in heaven and if more happens then make it quick. It was all a shock in the first place to everyone that Peter even wanted to play. He'll never admit it was to make him "cool".

Needless to say when her hands started to travel downward, he chickened out and ran home. He ignored all texts and calls. Even missed school the next day from embarrassment. So anything that was happening with Laura made him feel like he was a popular kid. Since they weren't anything he couldn't do what he really wanted to do. Peter also told himself that he would just chicken out anyway. He was shocked with himself that he was able to get past second base without freaking out. When he went over to Ned's after that weekend, he tried to get him to help wrap Peter's head around it.

"Bro! You got some?! I'm proud of you man!" Ned started their signature hand shake.

"Yeah. It's crazy. Me of all people, who thought they were going to die a virgin... which... I actually did but came back to life, is not going to die a second time a virgin. It's crazy." Peter just flopped on Ned's bed in disbelief.

He had no idea what took over him. It was amazing, no doubt, but it was just so shocking. Now all he wants to do is hold her hand in the hallways or wrap his arms around her, tell everyone the one thing she's not of his. He just wants to say "yeah, that's my girl" in an admiring tone. As for Laura, she doesn't realize she's turning more into a girly girl when comes down to dating. Whoever she talks to she mentions his name at least twice the entire time. She's always wanting to text him at the wrong times, all flirtatious. It doesn't help his concentration in class one bit. He brings comfort to her. Laura noticed her mood has been better and her social anxiety has gone way down.

He's good for her and Laura knew damn well she was doing what she vowed not to do. She was falling for him. Everyday she wished he'd make the move that would permanently glue his arm around her. There was also a part of her that begs for him not to. She knows how dangerous dating is with powers along with distance between. So the game they are so tempted to play remains in its box. Neither one of them wants to open it for it could be the game of Jumanji. A dangerous game indeed. It was now the middle of the school day for the students. All is normal and luckily for the two they sat together in this class. Laura was now making an effort to do good in school so she's feverishly writing notes down. Shocking to everyone who knew her before the academy.

They both were and every once in a while they'd steal looks at each other. Both thinking about wanting to drop their pens and start making out. For some reason this time when Laura looked at Peter she felt concerned. Then the hairs on his arms rose up. Spidey senses. Something bad was about to happen to the school. Both knew damn well they needed to leave. Laura nodded her head to go first.

"Miss Martin?" She looked up.

Laura didn't want to say it out loud because saying you need the bathroom is pretty embarrassing so she pointed towards the door and got a head nod. Laura made it to the bathroom and texted Peter saying it was his turn. She was getting her suit on when she heard loud bangs. Shit. She put on her mask and ran out. Where's Peter? There was no time to get him. Hopefully he'd show up. The whole school was on lockdown, a typical drill you do when the school is being threatened. But by what though? When she got to the source of the problem she panicked. Whoever these people were, they had alien tech in their weapons.

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