Chapter 6: Everyone Else

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The next day was not as easy as the day before. It wasn't because of getting up early. It was because of the six letter word that mutant or not, you hated the thought of. The only one who woke up excited was Peter. Shocking. Laura didn't know that the boy checked her schedule when she finally fell asleep. Stark was a clever man and placed the two in almost all the same classes and a few lockers away from each other.

"Why are you so happy? We have school." Laura groaned.

"Exactly. WE have school." It took her just waking up brain to process what the boy was getting at.

"You looked at my schedule didn't you?" He nodded.

"Ok, how many classes?" She let out with a breath of exhaustion.

"Seven out of nine." He said a little too excited.

"So which ones don't we have?" Stark really did that.

"Gym and study hall." She nodded her head and proceeded to kick the boy out to change.

He took his stuff and got changed in the bathroom. May had breakfast ready for the two when they were done. Couple of eggs and pieces of bacon. Easy and quick for an everyday breakfast. May had to leave for work the moment she set their plates down so it was just the two of them. It was awkwardly silent the entire time they ate. Other than hearing their utensils, you could have heard a pin drop if one did. They finished getting ready and then they were off to hell... school. The whole bus ride there was silent. She just followed him and called it good. Laura wants nothing to do with Peter but thanks to Stark, she's stuck with him for a while. A little too long in her opinion.

They arrived to the school and Peter showed Laura her locker. As she opened it, she noticed everything that she'll need is already in there. This is the only time she'll thank Stark for helping her. She hated the idea of going up to the teachers and asking for things. It was just so weird and awkward. All eyes are on you when you do something like that. He just made her life ten times easier. As she closed her locker she realized how close to Peter she is. Now she's cursing Stark out again. The shy boy came up to her.

"Ready for first period?" Peter gave a nervous closed lipped smile.

"As ready as I'll ever be." She responds with annoyance.

The day has just began and she's already begging for it to be over. Every period up to this point was a drag. She hates school with a passion. She's never seen anything good come out of forced learning. Finally it's lunch. Even having no gym with Peter 3rd period, it still felt like she was with him. He's already gotten into her head and it's only been three days. She's not super hungry but she could go for a burger. The line for food was shockingly short. Maybe she showed up at a good time. She doesn't have to wait 15 minutes to get food. Laura held her tray up to receive her food. The lady plops some orange looking blob on her tray. In her head, Laura wanted to puke at the site but she just gave the woman a half smile.

Once she had her burger, it was as if she completely lost her appetite. The food looked repulsive and didn't smell great either. Even the shit food where she's from was better than this. Now to find a seat. Not surprised, she couldn't find an empty table. Laura just decided to suck it up and sit with Peter.

"Hey how has your day been?" He asked as the fairly cranky girl sat down. She shot him a look and he winced slightly.

"Uh Laura, this is Ned, Michelle, Betty, and Flash. Everyone this is Laura." They all did some type of cheerful greeting.

Being as nice as she could she waved and gave a fake smile.The rest of lunch she stayed quiet. Laura wanted to stab her self listening to the nerds surrounding her. She's used to hearing guys talking about girls they hooked up with or girls saying how hot a celebrity is. Hearing about formulas, protons, neutrons and how they could become, but choose not to be, a methamphetamine cook at lunch was a total game changer. One even told Laura to go watch some Breaking Bad to know what methamphetamine  was.

"It's crystal meth you crackhead! I know what it is." She snapped back. "Which nerd are you?"

"I'm Flash." Laura nodded her head and turned back to trying to clear her head of  nerd talk.

The occasional science pun made her role her eyes back so far that you wondered if they would get stuck there. The bell rang for the next class. It's going to be a long ass two more periods. Indeed, she was correct. Though she wasn't fond of her living situation, she could not wait to get back to apartment. Freedom alas! That is until tomorrow.

"So, are you Jesse Pinkman?" Peter came up from behind.

"Who? Wait, don't answer that. I've had enough nerd talk for the day. Lunch was enough." She huffed.

"I know you had a bad day. The other kids from Xavier's told me that you're not one for school. You're more of a go with a flow kind of learner." He shrugged his shoulders in hopes she'd respond.

"And why does my well being concern you so much?" Laura gave a bit of an attitude. She's never been a big fan of people knowing her business.

"Because you're staying at my place..." He tried to lie but he's not great with that.

"Stark told you to get to know me didn't he?" She rolled her eyes.

"No... he didn't. I just..." he paused, trying to chose his words wisely.

"You just what?" She continued.

"I just find you intriguing ok? You're not like anyone else I've ever met." Peter shrugged again and looked up to the sky.

"Good." Laura responded after a few seconds of silence.

"Huh?" Peter was confused.

"Good. I don't want to be like anyone else. Everyone else sucks." Her response left Peter stunned.

Was she ok with this? Or was she just being sarcastic. Only time will tell. For now, Peter will just keep his distance. Maybe it's for the best. He shouldn't get too attached to someone know. It never really ends well for him where does that.

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