Chapter 25: Visitors

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Every weekend of training it gets tougher and tougher. More moves, more targets, more techniques, very little time given. Each set of target practices have shorter amounts of time. Sometimes if you don't get them all in one room you have to go back to the beginning or stay after everyone is done. It because daunting and obviously exhausting. Everyone is trying to keep up and succeed but there's always the little setbacks.

Today though, seemed like an easy day. The rounds weren't as bad and the techniques were easier. The trainers, like Clint and Scott, seemed... distracted. Almost as if they were trying to keep a secret from the students. Truth is, they were. But under Tony's command, they had to keep it to themselves. They looked like they had seen a ghost. The trainers were scared and instead of hiding it, they were wearing it on their sleeves. Even the students became scared from seeing how, whatever it is, is affecting the strongest heroes ever.

"Laura, something is up and it's definitely not good. I'm not just saying that because you can see it on their faces but I'm saying it because my senses just went off." Peter confided in Laura, scared as what might happen. Laura thought about it for a minute, does she disrespect Tony again or wait until command. She decided both.

"I have an idea. I think we should go to Tony and tell him what just happened to you. Maybe that'll get him to budge. This seems like it may involve us and I'm not having someone almost die again, left on my conscience." Peter agreed with her. The only time his Spidey Senses go off is when there's an emergency. This is clearly an emergency.

"Mr. Parker, Miss Kinney, what brings you two here? Just to get the ball rolling is it anything relationship wise?" Tony asked to begin things with a light hearted tone as the two entered his office.They were nervous for sure but it's mostly because of what might happen.

"Mr. Stark I know we're not supposed to do this yet, but my senses went off-" Tony interrupts him.

''Peter, did you just say what I think you just said?" Tony ask with the sound of fear coming to his voice. This isn't good.

"They're nearby. Ok, her we go! Whoever doesn't get my message have them meet me ASAP in the suit room." Tony frantically picks up the phone to put the warning out. After he hangs up the two look at each other.

"I hate to say this but Hydra is here. Peter, Iron Spider it up and Laura Wolverine it up." Just the mention of Hydra makes Laura's knuckles go white as she holds her hands in a fist.

They are opened by Peter taking her hand and intertwining their fingers. He nods to reassure her. They run hand in hand catching up with the rest of them. Tony lines them up in front of their suits. They go into the pods as machines put their suits on at lightning speed.

"You know what to do." Tony says.

They head out at every exit and entrance. As the come out they're faced with Hydra. Laura is trying her hardest to not lose her shit and rip their heads off. She stayed strong though. This should get interesting. Laura is now face to face with some she wished to never see again.

"Well, well, well, who do we have here? Is it our precious little specimen Laura." He gets closer to Laura. A little too close. Peter gets closer to her and the notices.

"What do you want, Donald?" Laura says through gritted teeth.

"I see our little Laura has a little boy to play with." Donald said sizing up Peter.

"Bet she hasn't told you where she's from, what she's done, and who she really is." He mocked her.

"Not important right now." She said trying so hard to hold back. Trying hard to hide the past her that wants to come out.

"Yes, right now. I think all these people need to know who the real Laura Kinney is or should I said Laura Howlett." Peter looks over at her a bit hurt the she doesn't have any trust in him to know her real name. Laura let's out a shaky breath knowing he's hurt. She also wasn't ready to tell him. Not yet anyway.

"Might as well let all the skeletons out right?"Donald says.

"Don't." Laura said firmly, her heart pounding with fear but her face showing anger.

"Why not, little girl? You know what? Overruled." Oh no.

"This girl right here, is a liar. Do you know how many people she has killed? My bet if I knew the number, probably nearly 500 people. She's killed an entire town before. Captain America had her locked up with S.H.I.E.L.D. because he too, knew how dangerous she was and guess what? You're dumb if you thought Stark didn't know all about it. Oh, and she knows how all of you die and so do I. She wasn't born in 2002, she was born in 2022. She and I are from the future, you see. She can't be trusted." He spat on her face.

Laura wanted to do what 9 year old her would've done, stab him and run. Peter was devastated. "There goes my relationship with Peter." She thought. This most definitely put a wrench in their relationship. Laura hung her head, defeated already. She didn't want to fight. Laura isn't known for backing down from a fight.

"What are you here for Donald?" She asked defeated.

"We want you to come home, doll face." He got up in her face.

Laura's look screamed heartbreak and defeat. She finally looks over at Peter who is refusing to look at her. If you could, you would hear her heart drop to the floor and shatter.

"Just take me." Laura said looking back. "Just take me and leave them be. I'm all yours."

Donald smiled mischievously. "This isn't like you little girl. You usually put up a good fight." He said rubbing his hands together in satisfaction.

"People do change you know. So just take me and let them go back to being who they are." Laura put her hands out to get cuffed, which Donald gladly did.

All Laura wanted to do was become a ghost. She's hurt too many people. Giving in was the best option right now. He pushed her towards the truck as her head hung low.

"Alright run along." He ushered the young heroes.

No one fought back, even if they wanted to. They were terrified and shocked because of someone sacrificing themselves after their identity is released. Peter turned around as the truck is starting. It was then that he stupidly realized that girl he loves just sacrificed herself for everyone around her. Peter realizes he's the one who made a mistake for getting upset about something that could have easily been talked about afterwards. That she isn't the horrible being that he just thought of her as because she wasn't ready to share that part of her life yet. He wants to run to her but it's guaranteed his death. There's got to be another way to get her back. Laura looks back one more time making eye contact with Peter.

All she could do was look down and put her head in her knees as she silently sobs knowing that she's not only going to die but even worse, her and Peter are most likely no longer together. She's no longer felt human. Peter's heart shattered when he saw her head bow down. Why was he so petty? He promised her that he'd never judge her and would wait until she was ready to open up more about her past. He just realized he made himself look like the biggest hypocrite ever and lost the love of his life all in one blow. There has to be a way to get Laura back. But how? This is definitely going to be a dance with death. 

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